Читать книгу Rayven's Keep - Kylie Wolft - Страница 4



Every book starts with an idea, or in my case one sentence that sparks the story. Words tumble across the page giving life to the characters and their adventures until it reaches a satisfying conclusion. Writing is mostly a solitary activity, but a book is given added depth and made richer by those that help us along the way. Mine is no exception.

To Laurel Newberry, my critique partner and friend. Thank you for always being able to find the perfect word when I can’t think of it, making sense of convoluted sentences and asking just the right questions to help me set the scene. I love Wednesday.

To Lisa, my sister and very first beta reader. I wasn’t surprised by the fact you read my manuscript and never offered any criticism even though there was plenty of work left to do on my book. You are a wonderful sister who only sees the good!

To Julie Chaddock, thank you for taking the time to read my work and offer excellent feedback. I know this isn’t a genre you usually embrace and the fact you did it for a complete stranger is incredible. Thank you!

To Abby Rose, Thank you for aiding my recovery from adverb addiction and helping to make my story stronger.

To Penny Barber, Thank you for not giving up on me even when I was discouraged. Your editing has been extraordinary and I have learned how to be a better writer through your efforts.

To Louann, Kim, Sonny and Carol. Thank you for your genuine enthusiasm and letting me prattle on about my book – you rock!

And the biggest thank you to my incredible family for all the encouragement, tolerance when I got lost in my writing and being the best cheerleaders around. I love you guys!

Rayven's Keep

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