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AUGUST 16TH, 1981

Cavendish Hall, Southern Ireland

Patrick Turner had been Richard Develin’s solicitor for over thirty years so it seemed natural for him to spearhead the identification and the eventual disbursement of the Capritzo estate.

The empire created by Capritzo over the years was vast, global and diverse. Some portions were illegal while others were downright criminal. It was necessary to employ twelve legal firms in nine countries around the world. Each one was charged in the first instance with the task of determining the extent of this empire. Patrick Turner was kept informed on a daily basis. He in turn would brief Carl Emery and, upon occasion Doctor Scott Bryan.

Whenever Capritzo’s widow’s name was mentioned Turner was always very careful to call her Mrs. Develin. Truth is Sarah Winthrope Churchill Develin’s marriage to Capritzo was a secret known to only a few members of the staff at the Develin ancestral home – Cavendish Hall. As far as Carl and Scott were concerned, it would remain a secret, forever.

After Capritzo’s death Sarah retreated from the everyday world both in body and in mind. Pregnant with Develin’s second child, she focused all her attention on her first born son William and of course the child she carried. Although deeply concerned about her, both Carl and Scott were relieved that she appeared to showed no interest whatsoever in the disposition of the estate nor did she ever mention Capritzo’s name. The reason why could have something to do with the fact that she was directly responsible for his death.

Truth be told, she murdered him.

Luring him into the small, airtight vault was easy as was closing and locking the door. What may or may not have been easy for Sarah was waiting through the seven hours it would take for him to die of asphyxiation. Carl Emery reconstructed the site in such a way that Capritzo’s death was attributed to “misadventure” and the body was discreetly laid to rest near the Develin family mausoleum.

Sarah did not participate in the coroner's inquest although one of Capritzo’s lawyers insisted that she confirm under oath that the marriage had been consummated. Despite Carl Emery’s protests, Sarah did so with as much dignity as she could muster while remembering … remembering …

‘Perhaps for you it has been too strenuous a day. We shall try again later with more interest on your part I trust in providing for the wants and desires of your new husband.’

Immediately afterwards Sarah took to her bed and stayed there for nearly a month.

The extent of the Capritzo Empire was unknown to Sarah as was his true wealth, which was in the tens of millions. Their relationship spanned a fortnight, from the moment he had her abducted – for the second time – until his death.

By contrast she had known Richard Develin for nearly a year. Ultimately they would develop a very close attachment which could be described as love if he were capable of it. Sarah never gave the memory of Capritzo a thought but daily she grieved for the loss of Richard.


Patrick Turner had requested a meeting with Carl Emery on Sunday afternoon; suggesting at the end that it might be a good idea if Doctor Bryan attended as well. This was unusual. It was also unusual when Turner arrived without his briefcase.

‘Gentlemen, thank you for seeing me on such short notice and on a Sunday afternoon.’ Turner settled down on one of the sofas in the Amber Room. He seemed agitated. Emery offered him a drink but he declined.

Emery frowned as he sat down on the sofa next to Doctor Bryan and across from Turner. ‘What is it, Patrick?’

‘Something extremely disturbing has occurred so I thought it best if we discuss it at the earliest opportunity.’ He paused as if unable to know just where to begin. He cleared his throat. ‘To date, we have confirmed five brothels owned by Merhot Capritzo; the Boston one you know but there is one in each of the following cities; New York, Sydney Australia, Rio de Janeiro and just outside London in a place called Maidenhead.’ He cleared his throat again. ‘As I said, these are confirmed; there may be more.

‘I had received assurances earlier this year that the brothels had been closed and that all the women had been released. Many of them, I might add, were returned to their families at considerable cost. Well, it would seem that that may have been the case then, but not now. Most of the women have returned and have … well, basically picked up where they left off.’

Carl chuckled. ‘Can’t keep a good girl down, can you?’

‘Mr. Emery please, these brothels are extremely lucrative. No one would have dared to challenge Merhot Capritzo but now that he is gone, I fear that criminal elements will activity seek to take control of these establishments. No matter what you might think of him, Capritzo was always very protective of his women and they knew it. They lived and worked safely beneath the umbrella of his reputation alone.’

‘What are you suggesting Patrick?’ Doctor Bryan asked.

‘We must see that these establishments are managed by one of our own until they can be sold or … or disposed of properly.’

‘Scott, do you fancy running a whorehouse for a while?’ Carl asked.

‘Not bloody likely,’ Bryan replied.

Turner glared at Emery. ‘Why don’t you ask that question of a former member of Mr. Develin’s staff?’

‘And who would that be Patrick?’

‘The Boston operation is being managed by Doctor Peter Laird.’

Carl felt as if he had just been kicked in the stomach.


After Patrick Turner left Carl poured himself another drink and then, as if to justify the need, he turned on Bryan. ‘I thought that bastard had done the right thing and died somewhere in Peru. That’s about all I need right now, goddamn it!’

‘I assume we are talking about this Laird fellow. Who is he?’

‘A treacherous little prick, that’s what he is. Who he is? Sir Reginald Laird’s one and only.’

‘He left behind a rather detailed account of just how Sarah arrived here, amongst other things.’ Bryan made no attempt whatsoever to hide the disapproval he felt as keenly then as he did now.

Carl smiled, ‘Did he also leave behind a blueprint of his grandiose plan to rescue Sarah after murdering Richard?’ Bryan started. ‘No, I don’t suppose he did. He hid behind the screen in the library where Sarah and Richard were to have dinner together that first evening they, ah …

‘Laird took a pistol from Richard’s private collection. A lovely piece it was too except that the stupid bastard didn’t have a clue about what he was doing and loaded it with the wrong bullets. Even Richard couldn’t decide whether the gun would simply misfire or blow up in his hand.

‘Seefan said that he had sent a note to Sarah but Richard was away ahead of him as usual. He intercepted it, read it then had Seefan deliver it.’ This time Carl laughed openly. ‘The image of Laird emerging from behind that screen with Richard right behind, his gun pressed tight against the back of Laird’s head. Priceless, that’s what it was; priceless. Richard scared him so bad he wet his pants.’

‘What was Laird doing here in the first place?’ Bryan asked.

‘Richard was asked by …’ Carl turned back to the whiskey decanter to freshen his drink. ‘It’s not important.’

‘Carl, I know Richard worked for MI6. I know what service he provided them and how good he was at it.’

The two men stared at each other; both trying to determine who was in the best position to claim the moral high ground. ‘And what service was that again, Scott? I’ve forgotten.’

‘Richard was a Double-O-Seven although no doubt he was much more deadly than either the film persona or Fleming’s literary character. I’m sure his mother would have been very proud of him.’

‘She would have been, Scott. In fact, if Richard could have turned the clock back I’m sure he would have quite happily disposed of his father, thus saving both his mother and the world a whole hell of a lot of grief.’

This was one subject Bryan was not prepared to engage in. The loss of Richard’s mother Catherine was too great a sorrow for him to bear; sorrow, regret, shame and revenge all blended together, producing as strong a potion now as the one that killed her. ‘What happened to Laird?’

Carl shrugged. ‘He spent the night chained in the basement. In the morning he was shipped out to Peru. Last I heard he was still there, assisting Doctor Santos. Seefan went with him.’


Carl sat down on the sofa opposite Bryan, his drink cupped between his hands. ‘It was a last-minute decision so we didn’t have a lot of time to say goodbye. She seemed almost in a panic to get away as if … I asked her why she was going and I think that’s when the tears came. She basically told me that she had developed a fondness for Sarah and that she couldn’t stay and see … I remember word for word what she said although I didn’t understand; not then.

‘You cannot stop him and if you want this child you must not stop him’.

‘I’ll tell you Scott that scared the hell out of me.’ Carl sighed. ‘The christening is this Saturday, isn’t it?’


‘Then afterwards I’m going to Boston. I’ll pry that little shit off his fucking throne if I have to use a crowbar.’

Creatures of the Chase - Yusuf

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