Читать книгу Creatures of the Chase - Mikail - L. M. Ollie - Страница 3



Man is the hunter; woman is his game:

The sleek and shining Creatures of the Chase,

We hunt them for the beauty of their skins;

They love us for it, and we ride them down.

Alfred, Lord Tennyson – The Princess

The Brownstone

Boston, Massachusetts

‘Did you hear?’ Justine’s black eyes blazed with excitement. ‘She is to bring all of her four children to Morocco. Mikail you must deliver Richard’s sons to me.’

Mikail Roshan Housani’s eyes narrowed. ‘I must Justine? You speak to me of musts when some short time since I have rescued you from this Sahara tribe and those forced upon you. It seems to me that your musts to me are not yet fully satisfied.’

Careful not to anger him, she knelt down in front of him. They were alone in the private parlour in the Brownstone Boston, so no one but Mikail would see her beg with such passion, or such hate. At fifty years of age Justine Benghazi was still an attractive woman with a wealth of jet black hair, pale skin and fine features. He was quite taken by her but there were others, much younger; closer to him in age.

‘And what would you do with these children should I capture them for you?’

‘I could not have him so I shall have his babes instead as my playthings. I shall take them to my house in Cairo and they shall grow to love me where he did not. In this house there is a great walled courtyard where they shall play and, when you are finished with her, I shall bury her beneath the stones there and the children, unknowing will tread daily upon their mother’s grave.’

‘Mention was made of servants and secretaries, bodyguards and companions but this husband, this Alan Rose, where is he? Reza speaks of a laboratory and work to be done.’

‘This Alan Rose, he is Richard Develin’s godson and this laboratory which Reza heard spoken of, it is here in Boston.’

‘You would recognise him if you saw him again?’


‘This is most excellent news for his death will bring her close to mourn his passing.’

‘Mikail, it must be done soon, before she is returned to Maroc for once there, she will be walled within until a new husband is found for her, then ...’

‘Take care Justine for this I understand. I do not need you to remind me of what must be done and when.’ He took another sip of his wine. ‘The one with red hair, send her to me.’

‘She may not come for you hurt her the last time and now she is fearful of you.’

‘Tell her I have a gift for her. She will come.’

Creatures of the Chase - Mikail

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