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Part 1. Structure of the Universe
The structure of Nirvana


Parinirvana is the highest level of nirvana, «nirvana without remainder», and the independent existence of the True Ego; «pari» translates as «finally». Parinirvana does not relate to any of the worlds; therefore, it is impossible to be in a state of parinirvana and live at the same time. If an arhat immediately after reaching nirvana discards life, then he will fall into parinirvana. «Parinirvana» and «nirvana with a remainder» are antonyms.

World of bodhinirvana. The arhat, after reaching nirvana, does not stop at this, but expands his achievement, leading other personalities to achieve nirvana, and thus overcoming the bonds of other worlds, other delusions that he did not have before. Such a person is called a «bodhisattva». «Bodhi» is translated as «awakening, enlightenment», and «sattva» is translated as «being», a being striving for awakening. The Bodhisattva makes a shuttle movement: nirvana – samsara – again nirvana – again samsara – nirvana – and so on. Repeating the path of liberation doubles the experience of that person. Then triples. Then quadruples. And so on. In this way the individual has a wider and wider experience of liberation than just one-man nirvana. This state of expanding the experience of nirvana is called «bodhinirvana». In the world of bodhinirvana, in relation to the world of nirvana, one can single out the upper level: bodhiparinirvana, where a bodhisattva can go after death; and bottom. The lower bodhinirvana can also be conditionally divided into three levels, depending on which world experience is being destroyed: causal bodhinirvana, astral bodhinirvana, and bodhinirvana of the phenomenal world.

World of mahanirvana. When a bodhisattva gains the experience of liberation in general from all delusions, which can be in the world of phenomena, and in the astral, and in the causal, he finds himself in a state that he has nothing more to achieve, he has overcome all the experience that is possible. This state is called «buddha» and this state corresponds to mahanirvana. «Maha» is translated as «great». Since mahanirvana corresponds to liberation from all worlds in general, it is divided into only two levels: mahanirvana and mahaparinirvana. Mahaparinirvana stands for the great final destruction of worldly desires. Buddha Shakyamuni left for mahaparinirvana after his death. There is often a discussion in the sources on the question: "can a Buddha-personality return from mahaparinirvana as the same person?" – Yes. Because the buddha personality is free, it is free to choose whether to return from mahaparinirvana or never to return.

Spiritual Practice

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