Читать книгу The Attack of the Giant Stink Bugs - Larry Bennett - Страница 5


The first three years of Ru-lan's life in the kingdom of L


u had been

tumultuous. As a baby prince, he had been kidnapped by an evil

enchantress named Su-Ling, who had kept him hidden away in her

home deep in the forest. With help from his animal friends and the

magical Fènghuáng, he'd been rescued by his braveparents, the

Emperor and Empress of Lou. And Su-Ling? She had been turned into

a mound of pebbles.

Back in the comfort of his own home, Ru-Lan had learned to play with

the other children and had made many friends. But sometimes he

thought about the forest. He missed climbing trees with the baby mon-

keys and splashing in a pond with his friend, the gentle elephant.



u (pronounced “low”) - to hug in Chinese

Fènghuáng - (pron: fung wong) phoenix, in Chinese lore, a magical bird with healing powers (fèng means wind;

huáng means yellow)


The Attack of the Giant Stink Bugs

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