Читать книгу Bangkok and Chiang Mai On a Rope - Larry Stein - Страница 10

Jet Lag


In the future I wonder if there will be space or rocket lag. To minimize jet lag I have two techniques, one common, the other a bit controversial. On the overseas flight I take a sleeping pill (Ambien) to sleep at the same time that I would sleep at my destination. So If I'm taking a day flight, I will time my sleep so that I'm sleeping at what will be nighttime hours when I arrive. It's the only time I use a sleeping pill. Of course, check with your doctor. The more conventional remedy is to avoid sleeping during the day, and getting as much sunlight as possible, painfully easy in Southeast Asia. Sunlight resets your internal clock. The only time I had serious jet lag was during a perpetually overcast November in the Benelux countries.

Bangkok and Chiang Mai On a Rope

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