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Our life in horticulture in general and bonsai in particular has been enriched by the many wonderful people we have met working with plants and trees. We have studied with many of the leading bonsai artists in the United States, including John Yoshiyo Naka, whom we are honored to call friend and mentor.

We express our gratitude to the bonsai teachers who have given so freely of their knowledge, sharing with us their love of this wonderful art form.

To our students and readers we express our appreciation for their curiosity, which stimulates and excites our own study.

We cannot personally acknowledge all the people who helped with the book but we wish to thank our illustrator and photographer, Robert Johnson, well-known watercolor artist and teacher.

Finally, we appreciate the support and encouragement of our daughter Toby, a bonsai artist herself, and her husband Michael, our son Michael and his wife Barbara, and our grandson Sandy, whose smile lights up the day.

Beginning Bonsai

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