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Writers: The Idea Makers


No project gets done without a script, so every project relies heavily on the people who write (and rewrite) those scripts. Basically, writers convert a bunch of ideas (good or bad) into a cohesive script that tells a compelling story with interesting characters that (hopefully) the general public will want to pay money to see.

Writers may write a script from an original story, an existing story (such as a novel, poem, or short story), or an idea given to them by a director, producer, or another writer. No matter how a writer starts with an idea, the final result should be a script that a director can use to tell the beginning, middle, and end of a story and that a producer can use to generate interest (and money) to get the project rolling.

Always respect the words that have been written. The writer may have some power on the set. At other times, you may have the ability to improvise. Unless you’re a big name actor, you should stick to the words as written.

Sometimes, writers write an entire script in hopes of selling it, which is called writing a script on spec (short for speculation). As an alternative, or in addition to writing spec scripts, many writers hire themselves out to work on various projects.

Many directors and producers write their own scripts to prevent someone else from messing up their original vision for their story. Actors sometimes write scripts so that they can create roles specifically to showcase their talents.

In the world of theater, the writer (known as the playwright) wields enormous power, sometimes equal to that of the director. A director rarely changes a script without the playwright’s approval, and the playwright may also be involved in casting and rehearsals.

In rare cases, a producer may actually start filming before the script is even finished. On television sets, writers may write (and rewrite) scripts right up until the time of taping (and then they may rewrite the scene afterwards for another take as well).

Breaking into Acting For Dummies

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