Читать книгу P.33 - Latasia R Johnson - Страница 4

Dear Inner Goddess:


Protect your gold trimmed crown, fiery eyes, skin like bronze with glittery gold. Arms like Phoenix wings, hieroglyph on top of the head. The sun disk that gleamed like the sun. Magical gift to heal those who need guidance. Ancient like the TEXTS, oh Inner goddess I've been awaken by the truth. You are ME and I am You! Symbolise strength and your bloodline is of Royalty, & Loyalty. Protector over her kin, & kingdom from those who crossed her the most. Governing the blue heavenly skies and the world we call Earth. “As above so Below”. Ruled over fate which gave you the power over life itself. Oh inner Goddess your strong links which held the temples together that's why they worshipped the ground you walk on. Leaving legency at your feet. Tap in they say, TAP TAP IN!!! The Frequency is at ITS Hertz and I am in tune. Close your EYE'S & BREATH IN, BREATH OUT…… Which Goddess are You?


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