Читать книгу Babies and Badges - Laura Altom Marie - Страница 2


“That’s quite a man you’ve got there.”

The nurse spoke to Cassie while making a note on her chart.

“Thanks, but Noah’s not my man. He’s my guardian angel.”

And speaking of angels…

The sleeping angel Cassie held in her arms took her breath away. Had there ever been a more beautiful sight?

Emotion swelling, she blinked back tears. Every bit of the anguish she’d been through was worth it. Not only was she alive, but she was holding her very much alive baby in her arms, with another perfect baby waiting in line for her breakfast.

And just think, she had this double blessing and her own life all because of Noah. Though the actual delivery of her babies had become a blur, he was the one thing about her ordeal that she’d never forget. His soothing voice, and the way he’d held her hand, urging her not to give up.

Starting at the still-warm spot on her forehead where Sheriff Noah Wheeler had planted his tender kiss, she felt a quiet contentment creep through her.

Babies and Badges

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