Читать книгу Amelia Fang and the Half-Moon Holiday - Laura Ellen Anderson - Страница 9


essentials. As Amelia tried to figure out a way to let her mother down gently, her dad appeared from the bathroom with a crossword puzzle tucked under one arm.

‘Ah! My favourite sausage sizzler!’ said Count Drake the Third when he saw Amelia. ‘You must be excited to escape organ practice for a whole week!’ He winked mischievously.

Countess Frivoleeta glared at her husband. ‘Drake my most dreadful flabbergaster, Amelia will be catching up with her organ practice after the half-moon holiday, won’t you, darkling?’

Amelia sighed. ‘Yeess, Mum.’

The Fang Mansion Grimfather clock chimed, causing Amelia to shriek.

‘It’s already 5am! I’m going to be late!’ she said, running along the corridor. ‘Where’s my backpack?!’

Squashy bounced around in circles,


Amelia Fang and the Half-Moon Holiday

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