Читать книгу Finding X - Laura Laforce - Страница 4
ОглавлениеA new awareness is upon us. People are forced out of their comfort zones. Millions struggle with challenges and diversity. The wool is pulled over their eyes and the carpets from beneath their feet. What they believed in yesterday is no longer concrete. Their governments are corrupt and their pennies are worthless. The faiths no longer have a stronghold, which previously provided comfort. Society has become negative, disconnected, and extremely dysfunctional. It’s almost as if something opened Hell’s nasty gate.
Earth is a distracting obstacle course full of endless challenges. This is the plane where our souls develop by encountering life. We pre-plan our lives before we arrive and déjà vu verifies this pre-existing knowledge. The hardships we experience are unfortunate, but necessary, in order to learn and understand.
Our world is not ending in 2012. Souls of the living are awakening in order to survive. The veil between the living and the dead is being lifted and valuable information is being sent from beyond. People are learning to reconnect through the simplicity of love. Loving people have healthy boundaries, where hurt doesn’t serve a purpose.