Читать книгу The SEAL's Valentine - Laura Marie Altom - Страница 3


“Hungry for more than cookies?”

Brynn asked, looking far too pretty in faded cutoffs and a pink tank that accentuated full breasts. With her hair in braids, she looked fresh from Tristan’s every naughty farm-girl fantasy.

He shook his head. “I’m sorry, but I really should get going.”

“What’s wrong?” she asked, her voice raspy with what he could only guess was the same confusion dogging him. “You used to be the only person I could talk to—about anything. But ever since I had Mackenzie, you’ve been distant.”

“Sorry. Truth is, with the baby, I feel awkward being around you.”

“We can’t be friends? Because that’s all I’m asking for.”

He cocked his head. “Really?”

Everything about her from her flirty stance to her full, pouty lips to her heightened color told him she was a woman amenable to being kissed. Lord help him, but Tristan was up for the job. But Brynn was hardly the one-night-stand kind of girl he dallied with back in Virginia Beach. They knew up front he was interested only in fun and they were okay with it. He suspected Brynn, on the other hand, didn’t have a clue what she genuinely wanted—especially with regard to him....

The SEAL's Valentine

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