Читать книгу The SEAL's Stolen Child - Laura Marie Altom - Страница 4


Dear Reader,

As I’m putting the final touches on Eve and Garrett’s story, it’s Mother’s Day here in my “real” world. If you’ve read any of my previous books, you may have noticed I have an affection for children of all ages and when it comes to my own, I’m the world’s biggest softy!

Because of my Mama Bear love for my brood, I struggled with the resolution to this story. While I won’t give it away, it produced a surprising debate and made me really think about the way I might have handled the situation had it happened to me.

Especially on Mother’s Day, I’ve always been happiest with my babies on my lap, but alas, they kind of grew up on me! My twins are twenty and my Russell will soon be twenty-one! When they were all little, I used to think those were the tough days, but now I know better. Diapers and late-night feedings have nothing on soothing broken hearts or proofing college papers.

My wish for all of you moms out there—and dads—is for you to always have your kids close, no matter their ages, if not physically, then at least in spirit. When it comes to love, as Eve and Garrett discover, no problem is insurmountable...just more of a challenge than they’d ever expected!

Happy reading!

Laura Marie

The SEAL's Stolen Child

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