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Chapter Three

Will cocked his head to one side and listened as the quiet footsteps approached his door. There was a long pause before a soft tap on the wood.

He was on his feet immediately and threw open the door.

‘Come in,’ he said with a smile.

Mia looked around suspiciously then stepped into the room.

‘Afraid of an ambush?’ Will asked.

‘It’s nearly midnight.’


‘When a man asks you to come to their room at this late hour a girl is allowed to be suspicious.’

Will looked at her closely and realised Mia was joking with him.

‘Worried I’m about to ravish you?’

‘I’d like to see you try.’

‘So you have concerns about my motives, but you still came?’

Mia shrugged, ‘It’s not as though I had a choice.’

He let it go. It was understandable she felt uncomfortable and didn’t want to be there. She’d been dragged in shackles on to the boat and if Lieutenant Glass had his way she’d be shivering in the brig now.

‘I thought we could get started.’

Mia looked around for somewhere to sit and finally decided on the bed. She flopped down in an unladylike fashion and Will had to hide a smile.

‘Mr Greenacre,’ Mia said seriously.


‘Will,’ Mia refused to let herself be distracted. ‘I’m not sure how much the Governor told you about me.’

Hardly anything. In fact, he’d promised ‘local knowledge’ and then produced Mia. From Thatcher’s information, Will had managed to piece together a little more of her background, but she was still in the main a mystery.

‘I know your brother is the infamous Captain Del Torres. You’ve been wanted by the authorities for the past few months and have been in hiding.’

‘Anything else?’

‘I know you have a kind heart and would risk your life to ensure a stranger doesn’t drown.’

Mia turned away from him.

Will leaned forward in his chair. She had a sadness about her this evening.

‘Anything else?’

He shook his head.

‘When I was captured I was given a choice; help you or be executed the very next day.’

Will felt a knot forming in his stomach. He might have only known her for a short time, but the idea of Mia swinging from a noose was far too disturbing.

‘It wasn’t a hard decision to make.’

Will sat silently, wondering where she was going with this.

‘They didn’t ask what I knew or how I could help you, they just told me I would not be killed if I came with you to hunt my brother.’

She paused and closed her eyes.

‘I didn’t tell them at the time because I didn’t want to die, but I’ve got no idea where he is.’

Will leaned forward in his chair and smiled gently at her.

‘Of course you don’t.’

‘I don’t,’ Mia said quickly, ‘I’m not lying.’

‘I know.’

‘I’m not lying,’ she repeated.

‘I believe you.’

She frowned and studied his face.

‘Why?’ she asked.

‘Why do I believe you?’

She nodded.

‘Because why would you know where your brother is?’

She looked perplexed.

‘When was the last time you saw him?’

‘Four or five years ago.’

‘And when was the last time you heard from him?’

‘I got a letter with some money about eighteen months ago.’

‘So why would I think you’d know where he was?’

‘But...’ Mia started.

Will leaned back in the chair and allowed her a moment of confusion. She looked beautiful in the glow of the candle and he imagined taking her into his arms and laying her down on the bed beneath him. Hurriedly Will pushed the thought from his mind and tried to focus on his mission.

‘Why am I here, then?’ she asked.

‘You might not know where your brother is, but you do know him. I can obtain information easily enough about his whereabouts, but I can’t capture him, outthink him, if I don’t know how his mind works.’

Mia sat digesting this piece of information for a while. She looked so innocent, sitting on his bed with her legs crossed underneath her. Her hand was moving backwards and forwards across the covers, an unconscious movement whilst she thought about what he was saying. By candlelight she looked young, too young to be embroiled in such dangerous affairs.

Will felt a protectiveness towards her he hadn’t felt for anyone in a long time. She was vulnerable and alone and out of her depth. He wanted to shield her from what was to come and guard her from the evils of the world.

His other feelings for her weren’t quite so noble. The kiss they’d shared on the beach might have stemmed from delirium on his part, but he couldn’t forget the softness of her lips, the sweet taste of her mouth or the way her body had moulded to his. He was trying to keep professional and businesslike, but every time he saw her he found it difficult not to take her in his arms and relive that moment when they had collapsed on the sand.

Each time he tried to force his mind back to the business of hunting Del Torres his thoughts seemed to wander instead to Mia. He wondered what it was about her that piqued his interest so much. He’d known beautiful women before, often resisted their advances. Will had always prided himself on being able to control his passions. It was in his nature to be on his own—indeed, as his friends had started to settle down and marry he had always assumed he would not have that domesticated life. Despite all that, he very much wanted to reach out and touch Mia, draw her to him and do wicked things to her.

Suddenly he needed to get out of the cabin. It was far too small and Mia sitting on his bed was far too tempting.

‘Shall we get some air?’ Will asked. ‘It’s a little hot in here.’

Mia shrugged, slipped off the bed and followed him to the door.

The sea was so calm it was almost flat. The wind had dropped and the ship was barely moving. It was a complete contrast to two nights previous when the storm had struck The White Rose. Had it only been two days? It felt so much longer. No wonder he was so weary, his muscles still protesting every time he moved.

‘Tell me about your childhood, Mia,’ Will said, trying to distract himself from his inappropriate desires by getting back to work.

‘What do you want to know?’


Mia took a few seconds before she started speaking, looking out to the horizon as if remembering better times. He saw her hesitate and for a moment wondered if she was going to refuse.

‘My father was a sailor, or so my mother said. I never knew him. It was always just Jorge and Mama and me.’

Mia pushed a stray strand of hair back behind her ear before continuing.

‘Mama was born a slave—her parents were brought here from Africa many years ago. She worked on a sugar plantation on Martinique, but when she was about my age she escaped with my father’s help. They came to live in Barbados together to start a new life.’

‘So what happened to your father?’ Will asked.

‘Rum,’ she said sadly. ‘He was found lying face up on the docks when I was five hours old, choked on his own vomit. Probably died at the same time I came into the world.’

‘So your mother raised you and your brother alone?’

It was a very different childhood to Will’s. He’d been privileged and pampered and treated to every little luxury. Some elements resonated with him, however; he’d grown up never knowing his mother, the child of a kindly but lonely man. And he’d had his older brother, Richard, to guide him through his early years just like Mia must have had her brother.

‘She did what she could. There were always a lot of men around, but what else could a runaway slave do to make money?’

Will couldn’t imagine such a childhood.

‘Jorge was five years older, so by the time I was walking he was bringing in most of the money.’


Mia nodded, ‘Pickpocketing mainly, especially when he was young. Jorge was a fantastic thief. He taught me to pick my first pocket when I was five. He was so proud when I got all the way to the end of the street without anyone noticing.’

‘So how did he go from picking a few pockets to piracy?’

Again Mia hesitated and Will wondered if he’d asked one question too many. ‘When Jorge was twelve he fell in with the wrong crowd. He’d never hurt anyone before. Sure, he’d stolen things, taken things that hadn’t belonged to him, but he’d never harmed anyone in the process.’ She stopped and took a deep breath. ‘He beat this boy up. The kid was a member of the gang and had been caught taking more than his share. Jorge was the new boy so it was his job to punish him.’

‘An initiation?’

‘Of sorts. Anyway, he went too far. It was as though he was possessed—a bloodlust came over him and he just wouldn’t stop. The boy died.’

Will looked at her carefully. ‘You saw it, didn’t you? You saw your brother beat this boy to death.’

Mia nodded, the tears coming to her eyes. ‘I still remember his pleas and his screams. They were only kids.’

Will moved closer. His instinct was to comfort her, but it would be inappropriate. No matter how much he didn’t like it, he was still her captor and she his prisoner. He might want to hold her and stroke her hair and murmur in her ear, but he couldn’t.

Mia turned towards him, her face wet with tears. For a long moment their eyes were locked together and Will felt some invisible force pulling him towards her. A few seconds longer and he wouldn’t have been able to resist, he would have taken her in his arms and devoured her with his lips, but Mia turned away and broke the spell.

She looked out into the distance and continued. ‘The soldiers came looking for him. Normally they wouldn’t bother when one pickpocket kills another, but it was an excuse to rid the area of the whole gang.’

The wind whipped another strand of hair loose and this time Mia let it dance in the wind.

‘Jorge talked his way aboard a ship and started his career as a pirate.’

‘It must have been hard for you to lose your brother.’

‘I hated him for a while,’ Mia said quietly. ‘I hated him for killing that boy and I hated him for leaving us.’

‘And now?’

‘I don’t hate him,’ Mia said, ‘but I don’t think he’s the same boy I once knew.’

She shivered a little. Will suspected it was an emotional response as the night was hot and the air humid.

‘I hear the stories of the atrocious things he’s meant to have done and I remember the cheeky little boy who would entertain me for hours with his antics.’

‘So what happened to you after your brother left?’ Will asked, wondering how she’d survived.

‘My mother cried for a week when she realised Jorge was gone for good, but then she pulled herself together. She met a carpenter and they fell in love. He was always kind to me. He died six years ago and Mama followed him a few days later.’

‘So you’ve been on your own since?’

Will wondered just how old she was. She only looked twenty-two at the most, but that would mean she’d been on her own since she was sixteen. He didn’t want to think of what she’d had to do to survive.

‘Not entirely. Until six months ago I worked for Mr Partridge, one of the shipbuilders, in his kitchen. The other girls there were my family.’

‘What happened six months ago?’

‘They found out who my brother was.’

Will could just imagine Mia’s torment of once again having her life ripped out from under her feet.

‘I went into hiding. My stepfather had kept a small cabin on the east coast, not far from where I found you. No one knew about it. It was lonely, but at least I was alive.’

‘So have you actually committed any crime?’

He knew the answer before she said it.

‘No. But what does that matter?’

‘It matters,’ he said firmly. ‘It matters to me.’

The Pirate Hunter

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