Читать книгу Hang in There Bozo: The Ruby Redfort Emergency Survival Guide for Some Tricky Predicaments - Lauren Child - Страница 5


REMEMBER: Your worst worry is the worry you haven’t thought to worry about.

BASICALLY, LIFE IS ALL ABOUT SURVIVAL – you’re dead, you’re outta the game buster.

Survival: sometimes life is just that. No time to skip around smelling the roses because you’re just too busy gripping onto the cliff edge by your fingernails; you’re exhausted and everything in you is telling you to let go. But ninety-nine times out of a hundred it is worth hanging on in there bozo, because, just as things can change for the worse, so too can they get a whole lot more appealing. One minute you’re crawling around a desert about to die of thirst, the next you’re drinking a glass of ice-cold lemonade, poolside.

The difference between life and death: just a bad roll of the dice?

A calamity can’t always be prevented and luck won’t always be on your side, but you gotta know luck only plays a part.

REMEMBER: More often than not you can influence how things pan out. Your attitude counts for a lot. NEVER SAY DIE.


So long as you keep a cool head then you can make it out of there alive. And, if you make it outta there alive, you have a hope of getting your hands on that glass of ice-cold lemonade. So just keep focused on that, or whatever else it is that gives you a reason to live.

NO MATTER HOW HOPELESS YOUR SITUATION SEEMS, no matter how tired you are, the thing you gotta do is focus. When in a desperate situation, think about what it is that makes life worth living.

Simple as that: you have to live because your dog needs walking or Grandma needs a visit.

Your reward: a jelly donut, an episode of your favourite show. All possible so long as you can dig your way out of that avalanche/navigate your way to land/find water/crawl out of that well/outrun that rhinoceros.

Hang in There Bozo: The Ruby Redfort Emergency Survival Guide for Some Tricky Predicaments

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