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HE SPENT MOST of Wednesday preparing for his date. He went in and got a haircut and a beard trim. He picked up snacks and supplies for dinner. He also picked up extra condoms. It was like a talisman. For luck.

They’d end up in bed. He hoped it’d be that night, but even if it wasn’t for another month, it would happen. They had so much sexual energy between them, it sizzled.

He cleaned the house, changed his sheets and bedding. Aired everything out and moved furniture three times.

He was officially ridiculous, and he didn’t stop even after he’d realized that.

There were three movies. Horror, a thriller and some comedy bro-flick. He’d let her choose.

In the shower he considered jerking off so he’d be more relaxed. Thinking about her had him tense and agitated, but in a way he sort of dug. He hadn’t had to work this hard for a woman, well, ever, actually. He’d had her before, which only spiced things up. He knew what it was like to be inside her. Knew what her lips felt like wrapped around his cock. Knew what she tasted like.

He’d thought he’d remembered her body. He’d seen it naked an awful lot. But in the brief glimpses of her he caught out at the river, he’d noted curves. More than she’d had then. He had tended toward tall women with big tits and a lean look. But Natalie was voluptuous. He hadn’t realized he had a thing for all that swoop and dip, but he was utterly converted. Nicely though, the big boobs part was there, too. He’d been so focused on the curves, he’d only barely noticed the ink and hoped for a far closer inspection very soon.

So yeah, he soaped a hand up and wrapped it around his cock as he imagined her naked. Wet, but not from swimming. Flushed from orgasm. On her back in his bed. Her lips swollen from his kisses and from sucking his cock. Her eyes half-lidded and dreamy.

“Open those thighs.”

She complied with that smile of hers. Unashamed of what she wanted, of what he did to her. She was slick, dark with desire and when he fed her his cock, pressing in slow and steady, she made a sound that wrapped around his balls and tightened.

She wound her legs around his waist, grabbing two handfuls of his ass and pulling him closer, urging him on. She loved fucking as much as he did. That wouldn’t have changed. Tight and hot, her inner muscles would flutter around him as she got closer. As he got closer. Her nails dug into his skin as she arched, her neck bared to his lips as he licked and nibbled.

Climax shot through him, yanking him from that fantasy as his dream Natalie dissolved, leaving him alone and still half hard as the water rushed over his skin.

* * *

SHE’D GONE WITH casual that night. Her favorite supersoft T-shirt with the V-neck and some jeans. No heels this time. He lived on a farm so if he wanted her to walk or do something outdoorsy, she’d be better off in the sneakers she’d chosen instead of sandals.

Of course, as she followed the road, drove through a gate that he’d given her the code to and continued on, she realized the word farm probably wasn’t adequate for the land, the orchards and fields in the distance. She saw lights from a few houses and passed two until she saw the turnoff for his.

Off the main road, she could see the river in the distance as she parked in his driveway. All glass and gorgeous, warm wood, his house was Northwestern modern. The opposite of her Victorian, but it fit him.

She didn’t get the chance to knock; he opened up with a smile before she’d even been able to raise her hand.

“Hey, you found me.”

“Yes. Your instructions were perfect, thanks.”

He opened the door wider and motioned her inside.

“Are you a shoes-off house?”

He snorted. “No. If you want to, go on ahead. I’m not wearing shoes because I don’t want to. But it’s your choice.” He paused and bent to kiss her quickly. “Sorry to burst your foot-fetish suspicions.”

She laughed and put her bag down in the entry.

He took her hand. “Want a tour?”

“Yes, please.”

It was a great house. Clean. Very modern but warm at the same time. His living space was great with big couches and chairs.

“Is yours the house everyone hangs out at?”

“We split it up pretty evenly. My house is the middle point between Ezra, who is closest to the big house where my parents are, and Damien, who lives the farthest from it. We spend more time at Damien’s these days because Mary is such a great cook.” He paused. “Want to see the upstairs?”

Natalie nodded, and he took her up the stairs fronted by a wall of glass. “This view is insane.”

“We all worked with the same architect who took the land and views into account as she worked. All our houses are unique and fit our individual tastes, but they’re on the same continuum so you can see the thread. It’s a light touch. Each room has something about it that I love. My work space has excellent afternoon light. My bedroom gets the sunset. Kitchen gets morning light. All that jazz.”

He opened the door to a huge room with several guitars on stands, a large desk with two monitors, big chairs and a wet-bar-sized sink and fridge. “This is my work space.”

She went in, impressed. “Wow.”

He blushed, brushing his fingertips over the neck of a guitar. “I spend more time in here than any other place but my bedroom. I can run tracks in here. We’re all hooked into a network with the board in the barn, that’s our studio here. I write here. Ezra sleeps on that big couch a lot.” He snorted a laugh.

“You and he do the writing?”

“About eighty percent of it is me and Ezra. Ezra does the bulk of production. Damien and Vaughan write a song or two each album.”

“So you’re closest to Ezra, then?”

He laughed. “Ezra and I collaborate really well, but we’re too much alike in some ways, so we fight a lot. In the old days, it was nose-breaking sort of fighting, but now it’s more pissy bickering. Though we do occasionally get physical. He knows how to push my buttons. He and Damien are closer. Vaughan and I tend to pal around more, but he’s been away a lot over the last month. His girls just went back to school, so he’s been spending time with them. But, and don’t tell Ez this, Ezra is the person whose advice I seek out when I need an honest take. He’s pretty wise for a dick.”

She shook her head, imagining what it was like for their mother to have four really handsome sons who got into all the trouble they did.

He opened another door.

“My bedroom.”

She walked into the room, spinning slowly. Stunned.

“What? Why do you have that look on your face?”

“I never expected this.” Where the rest of his house was modern though comfortable, his bedroom was homey. His huge bed dominated one wall and was dressed with fluffy bedding. Heavy drapes were pulled back to expose sheers and windows looking out to the fields beyond, and if she was right, Mt. Hood on clear days.

Floor-to-ceiling bookshelves lined two walls. She traced her fingertips over the spines. This was the bedroom of a hedonist. Of the kind of person who spent the entire day in bed reading and watching movies.


“Never expected what?”

She turned to him. “This warm, inviting, comfortable space. It’s womblike. I want to take a nap in your bed right this instant.”

The worry on his features wisped away with a pleased grin. “Well, go on ahead. But only if I can nap with you. I love a good nap.”

“I can tell.” Napping was one of her biggest vices.

There was a big chair near the fireplace with an ottoman and a blanket on the back. She pointed. “Where’d you get that chair? I want one like it in my bedroom so I can read and nap on rainy days.”

“If I told you, I’d be discouraging you from coming here on rainy days to read and nap, instead. That’s self-defeating, Nat.”

“You travel a lot. How can I leave my napping needs up to chance? You’re quite heartless to make me, Patrick.”

“Your sense of humor turns me on.” He stepped closer. “You’ve been in my house for about twenty minutes now, and I haven’t really gotten a good kiss yet. Have a heart.”

“You’re the one who won’t even tell me where to buy that chair. Mean.”

“You’re all breathless.” Paddy cupped the back of her neck and slowly walked her into his chest. And she let him.

“I have asthma and you made me walk up stairs.”

He laughed. “I swam with you a few days ago. You’re in excellent shape. But goddamn, I love your body.”

She gulped. “Oh.”

“You need to be quiet so I can kiss you now.”

She nodded.

He started at the corner of her mouth. Just a brush of his lips. When she smiled, he licked at the spot, making her draw a breath. That’s when he used her distraction to sneak his very talented tongue right into her mouth.

Just a quick flick, and then he was gone again. He nipped her bottom lip, tugging until she moaned softly, digging her nails into his biceps where she’d been grasping him to stay standing because her knees had gone to jelly.

“You taste like cinnamon.”

He backed off, and she was sure she should have been glad, but she really liked his mouth on hers.

“Gum. The cinnamon, I mean. And maybe two boxes of Hot Tamales.” Perhaps three, but that wasn’t something she could confirm as she tended to lose count.

He grinned. “Come downstairs. Ezra went into town, and he’s picking Thai food up for us. He should be here shortly.”

She followed him from the room and down the stairs. He had a great back. And a great butt, too.

“I should have asked if you liked Thai food. If you don’t, I can make something. I went to the grocery store, but then I realized I’d rather order in and have more time with you.”

“Thai is good. I order it all the time, but I haven’t had it in a few weeks. Tuesday got a slow cooker and she’s been making all sorts of great stuff in it. It’s pretty awesome that one of us can cook.”

“How come you can’t?”

She started to answer, but there was a knock on the door.

“Hold that thought. Ezra’s here.”

Paddy bellowed out a come in as he jogged toward the front entry. When Ezra came around the corner into the room, she totally recognized him from before. Where Paddy was gorgeous, Ezra was ruggedly handsome. Big and brawny, he looked every inch the rancher he was. She bet he looked really good doing sweaty things like baling hay or riding a horse.

He flashed her a smile. “Hey! I remember you.”

It was impossible not to smile back. He thrust the bags at Paddy and headed to her, taking her hands in his. “It’s good to see you after all these years.”

“You, as well. Paddy’s been telling me about the job you do here on the ranch and also the collaborative way you put out Sweet Hollow Ranch’s music. I’m totally impressed.”

Paddy made a sound, and they looked up at him. He had puppy-dog face, and it was very cute.

“You can tell he was the spoiled one. He can’t deal if everyone isn’t fawning over him all the time.”

“Shut it, buttface.”

“Notice he didn’t dispute my statement.”

“She’s my date. Go away.”

“Thank you for bringing us dinner, Ezra.” Natalie patted his arm.

He sent Paddy a face, and she burst out laughing.

“I’d love to have dinner with you guys, thanks for asking.” Ezra turned to her and led her into the kitchen. “Gives me a chance to catch up with Natalie. I don’t suppose you have that Mustang anymore?”

“Oh, my God, you remember that? I kept it for years, wanting to get it restored, but I never had the time or inclination and I ended up selling it.”

Paddy turned and pulled her into a hug. “I forgot about that sexy fastback you used to have.”

“So you both love cars, clearly. Given the one you drove the other day, I should have guessed.”

“Paddy’s past love and working his way into obsession. But, as far as obsessions go, classic cars isn’t a bad one.” Ezra pulled out a chair at the table. “Sit.”

She did, trying not to laugh more as Paddy frowned at his big brother.

“Hey, we understand that you need to go home. Thanks for understanding I’m on a date and all.”

“I headed Mom off so I think the phrase you’re looking for is, thanks, Ezra, for saving me from an evening of baby pictures and stories about the time I yarked on that Santa at the Bon Marche.”

“I don’t know which is worse,” Paddy muttered.

“Please. Don’t lie. Sharon Hurley nosy about her baby’s date is way worse than me eating all your crab rangoon and leaving after I know I’ve given you an eye tic for a few hours.”

Paddy thrust plates into his brother’s arms. “At least set the table.” Paddy turned to Natalie with a far friendlier look than he gave his brother. “What can I get you to drink? I’ve got waters, juices, orange soda, beer, wine. I can do mixed drinks, too. I have champagne for later, but not until Ezra leaves.”

“I’d love some orange soda.” The two men moved around the kitchen—and each other—with ease, saying far more about their bond to each other than their bickering had. It was clear the two spent a lot of time like this, just hanging out.

“So—” Ezra grinned her way for a moment and continued eating “—you’re a librarian. Why Hood River?”

“Well, there were a few places that had openings. I visited several cities in a few states. I visited here in May, so it was so pretty and warm and everyone was friendly. I liked the library here. Liked the programs. But to be totally honest with you? I was driving around, you know, just checking the area out, and I drove past a big blue Victorian with a for-sale sign out front.”

She’d slowed, looking up at it and had wanted it with a greed she rarely allowed herself to feel. The curves of all the bay windows, the lattice work; the house was like a childhood dream come true.

“It was the house that sold me on Hood River. Don’t tell my boss that, though.”

Ezra laughed, but it was Paddy who spoke next. “So? The house?”

“I went back to my hotel and contacted the listing agent. I made an offer the next day after I did a walkthrough. Moved in sixty days later. It’s a really big house, though, so I lived in half while I did a lot of remodeling on the rest. And then my best friend came to visit, and she fell in love with it, too, and she now lives in the other half.”

She wanted to ask him why he’d chosen to run the ranch, but she didn’t know him well enough, and she didn’t want to push any buttons about his past addiction. Addiction talk often made her antsy, anyway.

“I think I know the house you mean. It’s not blue anymore, though. It’s green and white. That’s the one. Overlooking the river, right?”

She nodded. “Yep. It was that color originally, and when I saw the swatches, I knew I wanted it that way again.”

Ezra stayed long enough for her to know he wanted to check her out and be sure she was okay. It spoke volumes about the closeness of this family. But it sure was nice when he finally sent a grin to Paddy as he stood, patting his belly.

“That was awesome, kids. I’m off home.”

She rose, and he kissed her cheek before they followed him down the hall to the door.

“Make good choices.” Ezra winked, and Paddy rolled his eyes, opening the front door.

“Yeah, yeah. Thanks for bringing the food. See you later.”

The Best Kind of Trouble

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