Читать книгу Dangerous Waters - Laurey Bright - Страница 2



Camille banged on the door with her fists, yelling Rogan’s name.

A key scraped in the door. When Rogan’s solid figure appeared in the doorway, instinct took over. She launched herself at him. Her fists thudded into his chest, and he staggered. Then he had both her wrists, holding her away with infuriating ease.

“Settle down!” he said sharply.

“The hell I will!”

She wrenched her gaze up to his face, to the accusing eyes and jutting jaw. His mouth was uncompromising. She could scarcely believe that it had wooed hers last night with tenderness and passion. His chest was bare, and she had to block out the memory of what it had felt like under her hands, against her breasts.

“What the hell,” she demanded, “do you think you’re doing?”

“Saving you.”

Dangerous Waters

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