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“Excuse me, I’d like to go back to the house.”

For a long second or two, she thought he wasn’t going to move. In a dire need to get away, she pushed through the narrow space he’d left her, miscalculated and felt her breasts brush against his shirt as she tried to pass him.

Steve straightened a little too late. Triss stumbled over his foot, and his hands closed about her upper arms.

For a moment they stood together in the stone doorway, bodies touching, Steve’s chin only an inch from her temple. She could hear—even feel—the harsh intake of his breath, smell clean clothing and soap and a faint, frightening seductive male skin-scent.

In irrational panic she clenched her fists and raised them, thumping his chest. “Let me go!”

He swung her to the outside of the doorway with easy strength, then released her, saying, “Glad to, but are you sure that’s what you want?”

With His Kiss

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