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Only those who have had experience in pioneer bibliographical work know of the difficulties connected with such a task. For various reasons it has been impossible to get information about many authors past and even present. We have tried to make our material as complete as possible, but it is very probable that some names and works have been omitted which should have found a place in our lists; also, on the other hand, some may have been mentioned that should not have found a place in the list. For all such errors of omission and commission we ask indulgence, and for all corrections we shall be very grateful. We have tried to make our data as complete as possible in Sections I. to III. In Section IV. we do not profess to have made more than a beginning.

To Dr. James Bain, of the Toronto Public Library; to Mr. Avern Pardoe, of the Ontario Legislative Library; to Mr. C. C. James, Deputy Minister of Agriculture; to Mr. John Reade, of Montreal, and to Dr. James Hannay, of Fredericton, we are especially indebted for help, and to many others whose names we might mention.

Lewis Emerson Horning,

Victoria University.

Lawrence J. Burpee,

Department of Justice, Ottawa.

Toronto, Feb. 8th, 1904.

A Bibliography of Canadian Fiction (English)

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