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The siren’s song had lured him off course; now Rafe could barely seem to recall what his path had been. What manner of witch had Busara sent to detour him from his purpose?

Her long, golden tresses lay like silk against his skin, her tender lips moving beneath his palm lit a fire in his loins. She’d said he’d come to make love to her. With her rounded bottom pressed against his cock, he could well imagine how wondrous a ride the siren might be. But would he lose his soul to her devilry?

While one hand covered her mouth to stem the flow of her enchanting song, his free hand traced the line of her ribs down to her narrow waist.

She shivered, her body trembling beneath his ministrations. Good. Let her know the overwhelming desire she’d inspired in him with just her music. Let her suffer the longing and unquenchable thirst. If he played his hand right, he could have his way with the sultry siren and still have enough time to complete his mission—killing the Obeah, Busara.

The thought of thrusting between the minx’s legs made him hot all over. But to mount her too quickly would take away from his pleasure. He wanted her to lose all control to him. A slow, deliberate seduction was more to his liking. Apparently she didn’t know of him or his curse or she’d have run screaming by now. Surely Busara sent her with enough knowledge to lure him away from Siren’s Cove, but no information about his true nature. Now, he would lure her into trusting him and turn the tables on her. For he fully intended to kill Busara to break the ungodly spell.

Even with the limited light of the starry night, he could tell the siren’s skin was darker than the fashionable pearly white of English ladies. The contrast to her spun-gold hair would surely be remarkable in the light of day and he found himself wanting to wake to the sunrise and her lying next to him. How beautiful would this woman be by daylight?

“If I remove my hand, do you promise you will not sing and bewitch me once again?” He lowered his hand enough for her to move her lips, his other hand skimming over the triangle of soft curls at the juncture of her thighs.

“I promise not to sing.” Her voice was breathy, as though she didn’t have full control over her words and thoughts.

He dropped his hand from her mouth, although she failed to promise not to bewitch. Her omission titillated his senses with the possibilities and his cock rose to nudge her rounded bottom. With both hands now free to roam, he splayed them across her belly and raised them until they rested beneath her plump breasts. “What is your name, witch?”

“Melodie.” She sucked in a sharp breath, her ribs expanding against his palms. Did she feel the pull of attraction as strongly as he? He tweaked her nipple.

Melodie gasped.

“I am Rafe, the captain of the Serpent’s Curse. Do I frighten you, Melodie?” He liked that her name fit her musical voice and the siren’s song she’d used to lure him away from his destination.

“No.” Her back stiffened and she leaned away from his chest. “I’m afraid of no man.”

“Then why did you gasp when I touched you?” He lifted his hand, cupping one voluptuous mound. His thumb traced circles around the puckered nipple.

“I didn’t gasp.” When he rolled the tip between his thumb and forefinger, she sucked in another breath.

“Sounded suspiciously like a gasp to me.”

“So I gasped.” Her head lolled back until it rested against his chest. “That doesn’t prove I’m afraid of you or any other man.”

He tipped his head forward to capture one of her shell-like earlobes between his teeth, moving so close his cock wedged into the crack of her ass. Sandwiched between the firm cheeks, he hardened into steel. His tongue toyed with her ear before he blew a warm breath across the damp lobe and her neck.

She trembled, goose bumps rising to add to the delightful pucker of her aureoles. Her hips swayed, causing her bottom to rub against his prick.

His hands dove downward. One cupped her sex, a long, rough finger delving between the folds. “Do you fear yourself?”

Avoiding his question, she asked one of her own. “Why do you wish to kill Busara?”

His lips tightened and his cock almost wilted at his reasons, but for the silky smoothness of her skin rubbing against him. “That is my business.”

“Well now it is mine as well. As you might have guessed, Busara sent me to stop you.”

Rafe nodded. “I’d assumed as much. But you will not deter me for long. I will kill the hag and break the curse she set upon me.”

“She cursed you?” Melodie stepped away from him. “You must have done something extremely dreadful for her to curse you.”

“I did nothing more than what was my right as governor of Mystique Island. I asked that she remove herself and her magic from Siren’s Cove to open it for ships to enter.” He stood straighter.

Melodie’s eyes widened and her hand covered her lips. “You would take the cove away from us—uh, her?” From wide-eyed fear to fiery anger, she changed in the blink of an eye. “You can’t, you thieving pirate!” She flew at him with the force of a fierce kitten, ready to claw his eyes out.

Rafe grabbed her wrists and held them high above her head.

Her breasts rose and fell with every raging breath she took. She stood close enough to him that he could capture one nipple between his teeth. The siren need not sing to capture his attention. Her womanly attributes had his full focus. “You’re right. I cannot. Not with the curse she’s placed on me. She’s forced me into the life of a fugitive, a pirate.”

“What’s with you humans, anyway? Do you always take, take, take? Have you never thought to let the innocent be at peace?” She kicked out, landing her bare heel against his shins.

With a grunt, Rafe spun her, slamming her back against the boulder she’d been on when he found her. In another swift movement, he snatched her wrap from the sand and twisted her wrists in the garment. Then he snagged the garment over a protrusion of jagged rocks just above her head, effectively hanging her by her wrists, her feet barely touching the sand.

Melodie had to get free of this monster. He could easily leave her hanging on the rocks until someone found her. In the meantime, the menace could attack and kill Busara and steal the cove, killing the precious treasure within.

Yet staring at the broad shoulders, narrow waist, and straining cock of her captor, Melodie’s desire reared its sultry head. With her nakedness splayed against the rock, she was completely subjugated to his whim. The walls of her pussy dripped in anticipation of him forcing himself upon her, fucking her until she cried out for more.

What was she thinking? Had she lost her mind? “Let me down at once!” Melodie kicked at the air, twisting and turning in an attempt to free her hands.

“No. Not until you get a few facts straight.” He stood back far enough to remain out of range of her flailing feet and knees.

The more she wiggled, the tighter her bindings twisted around her wrists. Finally, she quit fighting and rested against the rocks, her breaths coming in ragged gasps. “What facts?”

Rafe moved close, so close, she couldn’t raise her legs to kick him. “Fact one: Busara is far from innocent.” He leaned against Melodie and nipped at her breast.

The gentle pain reverberated through her body, sending shocking pulses to her cunt. “Don’t…” When he nipped again, her back arched against the rock, pushing her breast more fully into his mouth. “Don’t do that.”

“Why not?” He laved the puckered peak with the tip of his tongue until she moaned. “Do you find pleasure in my tongue?”

“No,” she lied, pressing closer despite her plea for him to stop.

He laved her other nipple, shoving his knee between her thighs.

How she wanted him to thrust into her warm wetness and take what she offered.

“I wish to know what you meant by ‘you humans’? You are human.” His softly spoken words tickled her moistened skin. “Or perhaps you are a witch like Busara.”

Before Melodie could formulate an answer between the waves of passion threatening to swamp her defenses, Rafe’s fingers found her folds, delving between her nether lips.

With a deftness that could only come from practice, he stroked a nub of flesh she’d never imagined to be so sensitive. Biting down hard on her tongue, she welcomed the pain, wishing it would drown out the pleasure of his fingers. “Of course I am human. Why would you think otherwise?” She gasped when he dipped into her pussy, swirling around the juices.

“Most human women do not respond with such abandon, or sing siren songs to lure poor sailors to their demise. Nor do they go around tossing their clothing on deserted beaches.”

“Perhaps because human males have placed unnecessary constraints on their passion.” Despite her determination to remain unmoved by his skilled hands, Melodie couldn’t resist wrapping her thigh around his waist, bringing her pussy closer to his straining cock. She wondered how it would feel to have such a thick shaft plunged deep inside her. Would it hurt? Would she cry out? Would it make her long for more? Would she die before he filled her completely?

As Rafe’s lips and teeth blazed a path of fire from her breasts downward, Melodie’s body flamed to his touch. Hot searing passion flared within, making her pussy ache. Anticipation of Rafe’s final conquest made her weep for fulfillment. “Please,” she moaned.

“Please what?”

“Let me go.” She longed to run her hands over the hard muscles of his chest, to delve her fingers into his wavy locks, drawing his mouth closer to hers, that she might seal his lips with a kiss.

No. She was there to stop the pirate from killing Busara, not to fuck him, as badly as she wanted to—as badly as she needed to. She’d never given herself to another—human or merman. She’d never felt so compelled to forge that bond to offer herself so brazenly, like any whore in a port tavern.

Busara needed her.

Melodie needed Rafe.

Confusion cleared when the man laying siege to her body dropped to his knees and spread her legs wide, resting one of her thighs over each of his broad shoulders.

Her eyes widened, tremors sweeping through her. “What are you doing?”

“What does it look like?” He smiled up at her, as his face drew closer to her aching core. “I will conquer you, witch, without lifting a sword.”

“Surely you do not mean to—”

“Indeed, I do.” He touched his tongue where his fingers had been, flicking at the swollen nub she’d only recently discovered as a point of extreme sensitivity.

Melodie’s body exploded with a barrage of sensations.

Rafe’s tongue disengaged and he glanced up at her, his brows raised, a superior quirk lifting the corners of his lips. “You will do anything I wish, won’t you?”

Her body hummed and strained toward his magical mouth. “No.”

He strummed her clit again, this time relishing every slow stroke as if tasting of an exquisite dish served on a golden platter.

Melodie cried out, her knees clamping tightly to his ears. “Please, oh please.” Were those her weak cries? Had she sunk so far into lust she’d forgotten her purpose? “You can’t…kill…Busara. Ohhhh, for all that is glorious and wonderful!”

Rafe chuckled, the sound rumbling in his chest, vibrations radiating upward from his shoulders into her thighs. Then he touched her again, lapping at her dripping cunt, swirling his tongue through her moistness, making her even wetter. His fingers parted the lobes of her ass and traced the tightly puckered ring around her anus, poking in and out. He tested and taunted her until she feared she would surely go insane before he finally plunged his swollen dagger deep inside her throbbing cunt.

As her body peaked and she thought she would shatter into stardust, Melodie was aware of Rafe’s muscles bunching to rise.

Now he would come into her. Now he would make her one with his body. He slipped her legs from his shoulders to his waist, positioning his cock at her entrance. He leaned forward until his lips brushed the lobe of her ear. “Alas, you will know my mastery.” Then in a short, hard thrust, he slid into her, filling her, stretching her until she thought she would explode, bursting past the thin barrier of her virginity in a single fateful stroke.

“What’s this? A virgin siren?” He made to pull away from her, but Melodie clamped her legs around his waist, slamming him home again.

“Please, let my arms loose that I might touch your body as you have touched mine.”

“You were a virgin?” He frowned, the expression ferocious and at the same time endearing.

“So, I’m not a very experienced siren.” She rubbed his ass with her heels and wiggled her hips, loving the feel of him inside of her. “Please let me go.”

As if in a trance, Rafe loosened the ties binding her wrists.

Her arms ached from being stretched for so long, but she wrapped them around his neck and held tight as he laid her in the sand and covered her with his body.

A delicious ache radiated from her core where he’d been and came again in a long sheathing movement.

She dug her heels in the warm sand and pushed up to meet him, thrust for thrust, the rhythm building to a thunderous crescendo. The alternating slapping and sucking sounds combined with low moans. Was it her or him? Melodie didn’t care. She rode the wave of glory until she crashed into shore in a spectacular burst of pleasure.

Rafe drove into her one last time, burying himself deep inside her, holding tense but steady as his seed pulsed into her womb. When he collapsed in the sand next to her, he gathered her close. “Why?” He kissed her neck, her chin and the tip of her nose. “Why did you sacrifice your virginity?”

“’Twas a small sacrifice to save the cove.”

“You would whore yourself for a tract of land?” He shook his head. “I will kill Busara for sending you to me. She had no right.” He slid from inside her and stood. “I will kill her for sending an innocent to do her dirty work.”

Melodie staggered to her wobbly legs and pressed a hand to Rafe’s chest. “She did what she had to. The cove must be protected at all costs.”

“Why? Just tell me why.” He grasped her waist and held her in place.

“It’s not my secret to tell, but it is important to protect it from human invasion. Whether it be you or the new governor, Lord Braithwaite.”

Rafe’s face suffused with deep red. “You would whore yourself to Braithwaite to protect the cove?”

Melodie hoped that day would never come. “I would whore myself to the devil himself to protect Siren’s Cove.”

“Then to hell with you and to hell with Busara. I will find the entrance to Siren’s Cove and kill the Obeah woman if it’s the last thing I do.” He glanced up at the formidable barrier of the rocks and back to the sea.

The sun peeked over the horizon, spreading a fierce red light across the sparkling ocean.

“Too late.” Melodie smiled at the beautiful sunrise. “When the sun is up, you cannot find the entrance to Siren’s Cove. You will not kill Busara now.”

“You witch!” He marched toward her, his hands out as if to strangle her.

Melodie dove into the sea and swam out a way, willing her body to make the change from woman to mermaid. As her feet merged and her tail formed, she treaded water for one last glimpse of the man who’d captured her soul that night.

“Come back here.” He plowed into the water until he stood waist deep. “You may have fooled me once, but I will return tomorrow and nothing you can do will stop me.”

Masters of Desire

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