Читать книгу The Prince's Fake Fiancée - Leah Ashton - Страница 3


“You want to kiss me? Right here, in front of hundreds of people?”

He just smiled at her. And looked at her—right into those lovely hazel eyes.

He supposed, in theory, it was a ‘don’t stress about it’ type kiss. At least, that was his intention.

He was playing the role of the loving, supportive fiancé, after all.

But also—yes, he wanted to kiss her. If he was honest with himself, he’d wanted to kiss Jas ever since she’d told him off in that briefing.

She closed her eyes, and he watched as she took a deep breath.

When she opened them, she nodded. And then he kissed her.

Her lips were soft and fleetingly cool beneath his own. They were chastely closed, of course—but they shifted against the pressure of his mouth, as if she’d open her mouth for him if only he were to ask.

It was shockingly, unexpectedly sexy—a simple kiss that felt like a promise of so much more. It wasn’t just about the touch of their lips or the mingling of their breathing but of the subtle movement of their bodies, the way they leaned toward each other while still only joined by their laced fingers.

Marko was no longer aware of their audience, or of the ballroom, or even why he’d kissed her in the first place.

All that mattered was the way her mouth fit so perfectly against his.

The Prince's Fake Fiancée

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