Читать книгу Family: The Secret Ingredient - Leandra Logan - Страница 2

There was a tall dark stranger standing in Grace North’s kitchen


And he was…chopping an onion?

Grace stopped short on the threshold of her back door and blinked in disbelief. Twice. At first glance she couldn’t place this man. “Uh, hello there,” she ventured warily.

He paused in midchop to run a lazy eye over her. An approving smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. “You look wonderful, Gracie.”

Ditto, Grace silently noted. He cut a lean and fit figure in worn jeans and faded red T-shirt, exuded strength in a clean-shaven jaw and neatly clipped black hair. Deep sexy voice and twinkling blue eyes ensured the most devastating effect.

Devastating was right. The sudden realization of who he was caused her pulse to jump a mile.

This was Kyle. Kyle McRaney. The man who would one day be her husband…

Family: The Secret Ingredient

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