Читать книгу More Than a Mistress - Leanne Banks - Страница 10
Chapter Four
Оглавление“Oh, Daniel,” Sara whispered in a shaky voice.
He watched the struggle play across her face. Her pupils dilated with arousal, and she bit her upper lip.
Her desire lit a fire in his gut, and he pulled her closer as he placed her hand behind his neck. Slowly he trailed his fingers down her other arm to her hand and lifted that one behind his neck also. All the while he looked deeply into her eyes. “You said I make you remember what it’s like to hold and be held. Don’t you want to do more than remember?”
Sara closed her eyes against the powerful attraction brewing between them. “This isn’t fair. I told you—”
Her voice broke off when Daniel slid one of his hands to the small of her back and with his other hand tilted her chin. Her skin was soft and flushed beneath his touch. So tender, yet his body’s reaction was strong and unmistakable. He rubbed his thumb over the velvet lushness of her bottom lip. Even the way her breath caught turned him on. “I’ve been wondering what it would be like to kiss you. Don’t you ever wonder about me?”
Her eyes fluttered open, and she swallowed. “Of course I do,” she murmured, her voice a husky reprimand.
Feeling the smallest rush of male triumph, he sifted his fingers through her silky hair and leaned closer until his lips were a whisper away from hers. He teased himself and her with the slight distance, and the wanting surged between them. “Don’t you ever want to do more than wonder?”
Her breathing grew labored, but she didn’t answer.
“No answer?” Too stubborn to say yes, he decided, but too aroused to pull away. His pulse bucked. God, she made him want her. “I want more than wondering.”
He lowered his head and took her mouth. He absorbed the texture of Sara, her mouth soft and full against his, her body warm and feminine in his arms. Maybe it should have been enough, but it wasn’t. She made him want more. He rubbed his tongue over her lips back and forth, until with a sigh that had his blood pressure zooming she opened.
She tasted like every forbidden delicacy he’d been denied. Sweet and dark like the richest of chocolate with the kick of premium champagne. For a moment he felt rough and awkward next to her delicate femininity. He wondered if he’d read her incorrectly. Maybe she didn’t want him.
But then she was sliding her hands through his hair, caressing his mouth with hers, and she wasn’t just warm anymore. She was hot.
Her tongue was a silken, teasing reminder of the pleasure exchanged between a woman and a man, and he had to curb his overwhelming instinct to thrust. His heart thudding like a jackhammer, he slowly pulled her against the ache she’d started. He hesitated, wondering if she’d back away.