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Although she knew it was insanity to even consider a secret rendezvous, Pippa could not make herself say no.

She opened her mouth to try to form the word and her lips refused. Her whole body and being wanted to be with Nic, and she was bloody tired of denying herself. “Yes,” she finally said and closed her eyes. “But this could be messy.”

Nic laughed. “I’ve been dealing with messes since I was six years old.”

She wondered what it was about Nic that made her feel stronger. When she was with him, she felt as if she could do almost anything.

Pulling her slowly toward him, he gave her a dozen chances to turn away, but she didn’t. She couldn’t.

“Do you want me just because you can’t have me?” she whispered, the fear squeezing out of her throat.

“No,” he said. “Besides, we both know I can and will have you. The question is when,” he said and lowered his mouth to hers.

The Princess and the Outlaw

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