Читать книгу CVC Veri A Guide to the Epic of the Martian Empire - Lee CDN Streiff - Страница 6

1: The Files of the Parks, Streiff Construction Co.


The Files of the Parks, Streiff Construction Co. were the heart of the Martian Epic. Very early James had purchased a cardboard alphabetical accordion file, and this became the repository of all the documents that went to make up the written record of the Empire. Within each pocket of the file there were folders that held the collected material on various subjects. Many folder titles were obscure, and might contain seemingly unrelated letters or sheets of paper with notes or drawings. Others were clear: “Parks” “Gods” and MNL (for the Martian News Letter). Basically, the files were organized according to James’ mental picture of the Epic’s constituent elements. That this system was too idiosyncratic and did not entirely work for others was clear when it later became necessary to add a card file with cross reference to subject explaining where certain documents might be found.

Although my first organizations of the material that went to make up the Epic were chronological and “encyclopedic” — or topical — I later structured an outline that arranged the information into the following categories:

I. Martian Studies

A.Studies in Martian History

1.The Historic Period

2.The Exile

B.Studies in Martian Culture

1.The Martian Life before the Exil2

2.Life in Andromeda

3.An Historic Martian City

4.The Parks, Streiff Construction Co.

5.Martian Mythology

6.The Martian Union

7.Shultz’s Beer Parlor

C.The Eich


1.The Sledgehammer


3.The Space Cruiser

E.Studies in Martian Geography

1.Geographical History

2.Syrtis Major

3.Trivium Charontis


5.Thyle I and II


F.Martian Etiquette

1.General Principals


3.Rules in Organizations

4.Female companions

G.Population Figures


2.Through out the Universe

II. Cosmology

A.The Legends of prehistory

B.The Galactic Map

III. Contemporary Events

A.The Martian News Letter

B.Paul Carter and the Statosians

C.The Vortex

IV. The Martian Language

V. The Arts



VI. Plays, Stories and Opera

VII. The University of Trivium Charontis

VII. Tests

IX. Left-Overs


B.Multi-dimensional Chess

C.People, Places, and things

D.The Martian Calendar

It is basically this organization that will be used in the present work to examine the material, though not necessarily in the order of the outline.

CVC Veri A Guide to the Epic of the Martian Empire

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