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“We were both drinking,” Luke said about his ex. “A lot.”

Claire gave him an anxious look.

“One night she went out, with a blood-alcohol reading that was something like three times the legal limit, and plowed into a tree.”

“Oh, Luke. Was she hurt? Was anyone else?”

Aside from that night at the ER, he’d never talked about the baby. Not with anyone.

“She wasn’t wearing a seatbelt, so she was pretty badly banged up. And...she was pregnant, and she lost the baby.”

“Oh, my God. Luke, I’m so sorry.”

“I accused her of being careless and irresponsible, trying to trap me into marrying her, forcing me to have a baby I didn’t want.”

Claire snatched her hand away, averting her eyes.

He hated that she pulled away, mostly because he had no clue what it meant. Had he said too much? Sounded too harsh?

“She knew I didn’t want a family. There’s no way I’ll bring another Devlin child into the world and have it grow up the way I did.”

“But you’re not your father, Luke!”

Daddy, Unexpectedly

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