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If I can do it…


IF YOU’D ASKED me 20 years ago what I thought I’d be doing with my life in two-decades’ time, the very last thing I would have said is, “writing a book.” Not because I didn’t want to, but because it would never have occurred to me that I could. I was singularly focused on my career in football for most of my life and latterly became a full-time trader. Writing a book was never on my radar until I realised I had something to say and a good story to tell.

I always knew I wanted to play football and from an early age I believed I had talent. I had never taken my academic education that seriously and my school days had been about sport, sport and more sport. I never looked beyond football. Many people with a clear vision of their future start out with this kind of determined single focus. But life is a long and winding road and when it was time to hang up my boots I had to embrace a new pursuit to keep a roof over my head and provide for my family.

Trading in stocks and shares was something I had done on and off for years. Over the years I had some fantastic windfalls and I had some spectacular losses. Through trial and error I learnt some valuable tricks of the trade. Thus, when I began to think about what I’d like to do with my life when I retired from professional sport, I came to the conclusion that trading was the discipline that, after football, I was most experienced in and passionate about.

I threw myself into learning more and more about finance and trading the markets, and within a few years I had not only become a successful trader, but I also began teaching others how to trade the markets too. When I began to think about finding a platform from which to spread the word about my life and work further afield, writing a book seemed to be the perfect answer, which is how I came to write Goals to Gold.

It’s not just the content of the book I want to share with you, but the act of writing a book too. This is because it directly relates to my overall message, which is:

If I can do it, anyone can.

Seriously... if a boy from an ordinary South London family, who left school at 16 to become a footballer, can make a great living from trading the markets and go on to write a book about it, then anyone can.

My biggest goal, these days, is to inspire others, which is what I hope to achieve by writing this book.

Goals to Gold

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