Читать книгу His Amish Choice - Leigh Bale - Страница 8


Dear Reader,

Have you ever loved someone so much that their happiness was more important than your own? In His Amish Choice, Lizzie is angry and hurt when Eli abandons her and their Amish faith so he can receive an education in the Englisch world. But when she realizes that anger is not of the Lord, she softens her heart and is finally able to let go of the anguish and sorrow that has been troubling her for several years. She is then able to recognize that she loves Eli so much that she is willing to let him go, if that is what he wants. No longer are her own feelings and desires of utmost importance, but rather she has learned to put Eli and his needs above her own.

I know that, as we come to accept God’s will in our own lives, to soften our hearts in prayer, and to follow the Savior’s example, we can find peace and joy no matter what hardships we might face.

I hope you enjoy reading this story and I invite you to visit my website at www.LeighBale.com to learn more about my books.

May you find peace in the Lord’s words!

Leigh Bale

His Amish Choice

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