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Table of Contents

For many years the call for a book on the mother and her child has come to us from patients, from the public, and now from our publishers—and this volume represents our efforts to supply this demand.

The larger part of the work was originally written by Dr. Lena K. Sadler, with certain chapters by Dr. William S. Sadler, but in the revision and re-arrangement of the manuscript so much work was done by each on the contributions of the other, that it was deemed best to bring the book out under joint authorship.

The book is divided into three principal parts: Part I, dealing with the experience of pregnancy from the beginning of expectancy to the convalescence of labor: Part II, dealing with the infant from its first day of life up to the weaning time; Part III, taking up the problems of the nursery from the weaning to the important period of adolescence.

The advice given in this work is that which we have tried out by experience—both as parents and physicians—and we pass it on to mothers, fathers, and nurses with the belief that it will be of help in their efforts at practical and scientific "child culture." We believe, also, that the expectant mother will be aided and encouraged in bearing the burdens which are common to motherhood by the advice and instruction offered.

While we have drawn from our own professional and personal experience in the preparation of this book, we have also drawn freely from the present-day literature dealing with the subjects treated, and desire to acknowledge our indebtedness to the various writers and authorities.

We now jointly send forth the volume on its mission, as a contribution toward lightening the task and inspiring the efforts of those mothers, nurses, and others who honor us by a perusal of its pages.

William S. Sadler.

Lena K. Sadler.

Chicago, 1916.



IThe Expectant Mother1
IIStory of the Unborn Child7
IIIBirthmarks and Prenatal Influence14
IVThe Hygiene of Pregnancy21
VComplications of Pregnancy35
VIToxemia and Its Symptoms47
VIIPreparations for the Natal Day53
VIIIThe Day of Labor63
indexTwilight Sleep and Painless Labor71
XSunrise Slumber and Nitrous Oxid84
XIThe Convalescing Mother93



XIIBaby's Early Days103
XIIIThe Nursery114
XIVWhy Babies Cry123
XVThe Nursing Mother and Her Babe133
XVIThe Bottle-Fed Baby147
XVIIMilk Sanitation156
XVIIIHome Modification of Milk165
XIXThe Feeding Problem177
XXBaby's Bath and Toilet190
XXIBaby's Clothing202
XXIIFresh Air, Outings, and Sleep213
XXIIIBaby Hygiene222
XXIVGrowth and Development232



XXVThe Sick Child251
XXVIBaby's Sick Room266
XXVIIDigestive Disorders274
XXVIIIContagious Diseases285
XXIXRespiratory Diseases300
XXXThe Nervous Child308
XXXINervous Diseases323
XXXIISkin Troubles333
XXXIIIDeformities and Chronic Disorders341
XXXIVAccidents and Emergencies348
XXXVDiet and Nutrition360
XXXVICaretakers and Governesses370
XXXVIIThe Power of Positive Suggestions380
XXXVIIIPlay and Recreation390
XXXIXThe Puny Child400
XLTeaching Truth405
The Mother and Her Child

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