Читать книгу Jonah Through the Centuries - Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer - Страница 5


Table of Contents


Series page

Title Page


Author’s Preface


Jonah 1

Jonah 2

Jonah 3

10  Jonah 4

11  Conclusion

12  Biography

13  Bibliography

14  Index of Biblical Texts

15  General Index

16  Index of Authors

17  End User License Agreement

List of Illustrations

1 Jonah 1FIGURE 1 Illustrations of the Jonah narrative in Härkeberga...FIGURE 2 The Catacomb of Saint Peter and Saint Marcellino...FIGURE 3 Sarcophagus, The Lateran Museum, Rome...

2 Jonah 2FIGURE 4 Illustrations of Hell mouth from Ödeshög church, Sweden...FIGURE 5 Photo of the Baroque pulpit in the Church of Saints Peter and...FIGURE 6 Patriarchal Basilica (Friuli Venezia Giulia), Aquileia (Italy)...FIGURE 7 A fourteenth-century illustration from Jami al-Tavarikh. Jonah and...FIGURE 8 A Michelangelo’s depiction of Jonah in the Sistine Chapel...FIGURE 9 Jonah and the fish in Aramaic....FIGURE 10 ‘Jonah and the Whale’ by Pieter Lastman...FIGURE 11 Carrow Psalter. Walters Manuscript W.34, fol...FIGURE 12 Brescia Casket, Museo di Santa Giulia, Brescia...

3 Jonah 3FIGURE 13 Stained glass windows at Ely Cathedral...

4 Jonah 4FIGURE 14 ‘Jonah Under the Gourd Vine’, Cleveland Museum...FIGURE 15 The Zubdat-al Tawarikh manuscript, Museum of Turkish...



Series page

Title Page


5 Table of Contents

Author’s Preface

Begin Reading


Index of Biblical Texts

10  General Index

11  Index of Authors

12  End User License Agreement











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Jonah Through the Centuries

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