Читать книгу Deep Undercover - Lenora Worth - Страница 10


Dear Reader,

This was a challenging story, but I loved these characters and so enjoyed working with the other amazing authors in this series. New York City is an amazing place with one of the most dedicated police forces in the world. I hope I did them justice with this story.

Brianne was a go-getter while Gavin used caution. I believe our environments shape our personalities, so I tried to show that with these two very strong but different personalities. Please note that while I talked to several experts and did a lot of research on both New York and law enforcement, any mistakes are solely my own. God Bless the NYPD!

Please visit me at my website www.lenoraworth.com or chat with me on Facebook.

Until next time, may the angels watch over you. Always.

Lenora Worth

Deep Undercover

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