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We’re sinful in spiritual character or our “Human nature” is very flawed and error-prone. “Imagination of the thoughts of the heart:” The very distinctive quality of being able to extract abstract understanding from both our natural and social environments, — is accompanied by “weaknesses, shortcomings, flaws, and imperfections!” That is, our biological bodies also suffer from Entropy, not just “sinfulness.” (Genesis 6:5; Hebrews 4:12–13.)

As we partake of the same “flawed reiterative patterns of operations,” sum of which, might eventually be conducive to the termination of our existence, which we call death, both sinfulness and Entropy plague our essential capacities or potentialities, from which we inherit our capabilities to “scientifically relate,” i.e., in spiritual ways that “make sense the right way” to each other and to our environments: Our own inner-self, Nature, and society, e.g., industrial pollution might endanger our sweet water supplies, sources, and wellsprings.

In fact, both sinfulness and Entropy are intrinsic to our “Human Nature,” spiritually and biologically. We thrive on the Earth as “living organisms” who must transact with our physical-material environment, in ways that are so complex, that many of them remain as “mysteries” to our limited Human understanding. Hence, our common saying, “Only God knows!”

However, what we ponder continually or meditate upon for a long time, will often determine or affect the attitudes we develop about life in general; about how we relate to other people; about the content and tenor of our speech; and even about the conduct we exercise when we respond to certain situational stimuli. “Continual negative thinking” can lead to “obsessive-compulsive disorder,” resulting in impairment of our ability to respond to physical or social stimuli in beneficent ways that uphold our health, happiness, or life. We are free indeed; but relationships are complex forms of associations that often surpass our understanding for finding a proper resolution to a certain situation, e.g., a man and a woman as a married couple, might get eventually divorced, due to what “psychologists” or “counselors” refer to as: “irreconcilable differences.”

Thus, it matters what we let enter into our hearts and minds, souls and spirits. The world is full of “audio-visual stimuli,” “sounds,” “noises,” and “events,” and how we respond to them factors into ways in which we internalize attitudes and/or deduce inferences from what we experience. (Leviticus 19:17; Proverbs 4:23; 15:33; Jeremiah 4:4; 9:26; 14:9–10; Matthew 5:8, 28; 6:21; 22:37–40.)

“As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” (Proverbs 3:26; 14:12; 29–30; 19:21; 23:6–7; 27:19).

Consequently, our “inner-life” or “mental-emotional environment,” is of great importance to what pours out of our hearts when we encounter or face conditions inimical to our safety, health, or life. (Matthew 7:13–20).

By the same token, our “inner-life” or our “soul condition” or our “heart condition,” can also “be a blessing” in facilitating the flow of beneficent Human relations, personal relationships, and social interactions. (Matthew 12:34–35; 22:36–40; Mark 7:14–23; Luke 6:36; 45; 11:28 12:32–34).

Our Creator, Almighty God, foreknew “our predicament,” and thus, freely decided to conceive or ordain “a plan of Salvation” for our greater Human Family; a divine “plan of redemption” for Humankind, which serves to both guide us individually, and instruct us, socially. For all of us have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23; 6:23).

Enters the Word of God, for redemption, atonement, propitiation, and salvation! As prophesied through the Prophets, the Word was fulfilled by the Son of God, Christ Jesus, “the Word made flesh:” The Gospel or “the good news of Salvation” as taught and preached by His Apostles, as written, embedded, and contained in the Holy Bible! (Matthew 28:18–20; John 1:1–14).

In the same way that God said “Let there be light,” Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” (Luke 23:34).

We’re forgiven and that’s the greatest blessing and gift from our heavenly Father through Jesus Christ our resurrected Lord and Savior.


It’s a Continuum

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