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After long treating the concept as taboo, linguists now speculate endlessly about the origins of the word “Mafia.” Some say it comes from Mahias, Arabic for “bold” or “braggart.” Others say that its root is Muafirr, the name of a Saracen tribe that once controlled Palermo. Less plausibly, it has been suggested that the word comes from M’fie, the name of the caves that served as hiding places for those Saracens and later for Sicilians who retreated there in fear when Garibaldi landed in 1861.

The theory that has always seemed most reasonable to me holds that “Mafia” is a corruption of the Arabic Mu (“strength”) plus Afah (“to protect”). Yet what I find most intriguing about this word is not the exotic etymologies reaching far back into Sicilian history, but the fact that during the years of my youth, “Mafia” was almost never said. I was aware that it existed—both the word and the reality it stood for—but I apprehended it the same way that one catches a faint aroma on the wind, something familiar yet not quite identifiable.

The spectral presence of the Mafia in Sicilian life has always made me think of the comment by the Danish philosopher Sören Kierkegaard that part of our human dilemma is to be condemned to live our lives forward and understand them backward. We Sicilians have lived for generations with the Mafia, while rigorously excluding it not only from our conversation but even from our thought. Only relatively recently have we begun to understand backward the impact that “the Octopus”—a metaphor for Cosa Nostra first used by a judge and soon after a common term—has had on our history and culture.

Yet Sicily is the logical place for a phenomenon such as the Mafia to have arisen. We are a people who never really ruled our own territory. We were always a colony, and, even worse, a colony passed from one ruler to another. If these rulers had been harsh and repressive, they would at least have created a strong centralized government; but this was not the case. Sicily was always a place to be exploited more than governed. Until the nineteenth century, aristocratic families controlled Sicilian life more or less independently of whatever conqueror happened to be ruling at any given time. These barons cared about their own property and prerogatives, but not much else. Their ethos is beautifully portrayed in Giuseppe di Lampedusa’s The Leopard, where Fabrizio, the Prince, sleepwalks through life, disconnected from his country, his fate, and even his own ancestral holdings.

Eventually this aristocracy would collapse and disappear, but without leaving a middle class to fill the vacuum it left behind. Instead, as the barons moved to Rome, Vienna, Paris and other more cosmopolitan areas, the administration of their lands fell to middlemen called gabelloti. These administrators squeezed the share-croppers to pay the high rents demanded by absentee landowners, and controlled the brigands who roamed the countryside. Backed by a network of family, friends, and clients—the only groups able to provide social stability in the absence of an institutional order—these gabelloti became Sicily’s New Men, archetypes of the capimafia of the future. (Lampedusa’s Don Cologero is such a man avant la lettre.) The violent men they hired to enforce their power would become the Mafiosi of Sicily’s future.

Unlike its equivalent in the United States, which was based on family (Gambino, Bonanno and the like), the Sicilian Mafia was rooted in the land and organized around a place—Corleone, Prizzi, and other communities. Eventually the Mafia groupings in these places would build a bridge from the village to the developing urban centers such as Palermo. The Sicilian Cosa Nostra was always more intrinsic to the structure of society than its American cousins. It developed because the state itself was atrophied and defective in Sicily, and the people, conquered repeatedly by outsiders, never expected to receive justice from “the system.” They looked to the charismatic uomini di rispetto to fulfill the functions that bureaucratic governments served everywhere else in Europe. If your daughter was raped, you looked to such a “man of respect” for redress rather than to a distant and foreign police force.

The Mafia networks of the nineteenth century gradually took on the functions of the state: collecting taxes, providing a hierarchy of leadership, and raising little armies to enforce its “laws.” Political and economic life adjusted to these arrangements and accepted them as reality. Later on, when legitimate government tried to assert its authority, it would first have to redefine this reality as “criminal.” This was a monumental task. It is the subject of this book.

The Mafia created an autonomous social order in Sicily, but it could not have succeeded as well as it did, had it not also created a myth: that its members were Men of Honor comprising an honorable society that not only made the social order work, but made it work according to principle. Mario Puzo, author of The Godfather, got this aspect of the Mafia mentality exactly right: those who chose this path believed that while they might be called upon to perform tasks others might shrink from in serving their family and friends, they were nonetheless superior to the corrupt and hypocritical world surrounding them.

A sign of how deeply—and swiftly—the Mafia had penetrated Sicilian life came in 1893 when a man named Emanuele Notarbartolo, director general of the Bank of Sicily and former mayor of Palermo, tried to overturn corrupt deals made by one of his directors, a politician named Raffaele Palizzolo, who had links to the Mafia. Notarbartolo bravely protested these criminal activities to ministers in Rome. Before the issue could be brought to trial, he was stabbed twenty-six times by an assassin on a train, becoming the first of many “excellent cadavers” in Sicily’s future.

The entrenchment of the Mafia, complete by the 1920s, made this organization a public enemy for Mussolini. Upon coming to power, the Fascists saw the Mafia for what it was even then: una associazione per delinquere, in the words of Cesare Mori, “an association for criminal purposes.” Mori, who became known as the “Iron Prefect” after Mussolini sent him to Sicily to bring the Mafia to heel, famously swept into the centers of Mafia power and bluntly laid out his intentions to the townspeople: “My name is Mori and I shall have people killed. Delinquency must disappear just as the dust disappears on the wind of the sirocco.”

A measure of the cleansing power of his sirocco could be seen in the fact that in 1928, the year that Mori took control, there were only 26 murders in Sicily compared to 278 the year before. But most of the “men of honor” he rounded up, killed, imprisoned or sentenced to hard labor were at the level of the picciotti, or soldiers. The bosses went into hiding or slipped away to the United States, Marseilles, or even Tunis, pretending to be heroic figures of resistance. And when, in 1929, Mori began to investigate the connections between the Mafia and some high-level figures of the Fascist regime, a telegram from Rome informed him that he had been pensioned off. He was thus the first to understand what others would see later on: it was far easier to deal with the Mafia militarily than to root the organization out of Sicilian politics and culture.

After the Allied invasion of 1943, the Fascists fled to the mainland as the Allies advanced on Palermo. American soldiers saw chaos: criminals escaping from jails, peasants occupying land, people settling private feuds with murder and arson, and everyone stealing anything that could be carried. General George Patton said of the Palermitans: “These people are crazy!” Such a view made any structure of influence appealing. While it is a myth that the Allies used American mobsters like “Lucky” Luciano to inspire an anti-Fascist Mafia underground in Sicily, it is true that some Americans naively failed to exclude the Mafia from the postwar social order. In fact, in one letter to the secretary of state, the American consul wrote: “I have the honor to report that on November 18, 1944, General Giuseppe Castallaro, together with Maffia leaders including Calogero Vizzini, conferred with Virgilio Nasi, head of the well known Nasi family of Trapani and asked him to take part in the leadership of a Maffia-backed movement for Sicilian autonomy.”

The United States dropped the idea of Sicilian separatism once the Germans were driven out of Italy, but didn’t shed its naiveté about the Mafia. After 1945, with the long-delayed issues of land redistribution and union organizing finally coming to the fore in Sicily, a force that could counterbalance the Left was vitally important. Thus the Mafia was not only tolerated, but eased into an alliance with the Christian Democratic Party, which would fight the Communists in the political arena, collecting Mafia votes and sometimes using the Mafia as its military wing. This devil’s pact—which resulted in the murder of dozens of Communists and Socialists over the next few years and in the delivery of votes that kept the Christian Democrats in power in Italy—would haunt Sicily for a generation.

At the time of my birth, August 1, 1947, these facts of the Mafia were not known, let alone written; the time for looking backward at its history had not yet arrived in Sicily. My parents were uneasy as they watched the Mafia use the crises of the postwar world as a cover to enter our country’s political and cultural bloodstream. Yet they had more immediate concerns, notably their fear that the pneumonia which had killed their firstborn son, Carmelo, a few days after his birth in 1941 would now take me, too.

Penicillin was still an exotic substance in Sicily at the time of my infancy. But through my mother’s family connections and my father’s prestige as the most prominent civil lawyer in Sicily, they managed to get the precious medicine—in this case from the Vatican pharmacy—and I recovered. Yet instead of diminishing, their fears about my health became an obsession that burst into near-hysteria a few years later when it was discovered during a routine physical exam that my heart was on the wrong side of my chest. This discovery was made by a radiologist who, upon seeing an x-ray, first furiously berated his assistant for having printed the film incorrectly, only to realize after further examination that not only was the image accurate, but all of my organs were reversed. Since then I have always worn a gold medallion around my neck inscribed with the Latin words Situs viscerum inversus—and I’m sure some would say that I have pursued my political life in reverse order, too.

I had two older sisters, but I was given my dead brother’s role of firstborn son, a treasured position in a Sicilian family that requires a loving diminutive, however old the boy is. I was “Luchetto,” especially when my parents were exhorting me to do those things they hoped would ensure my survival. “Luchetto, put your coat on, otherwise you’ll catch cold and be seriously ill!” or “Luchetto, be careful, you’ll hurt yourself!” or “Luchetto, don’t do that, remember that you’re very fragile!” In time I would have two younger brothers and two more sisters, but in some peculiar way I would always be the baby of the family as well as the “firstborn.”

Not surprisingly, I grew up with the conviction that death was anxious to claim me, and that I therefore had to live as well as I could in the brief time I had been allotted. It is probably also why later on, during the years when the Mafia had decided to kill me, I found myself not particularly afraid; after all, I had been condemned since birth. I feared the pain, but death itself had been my companion for years.

The rhythms of a Sicily that was almost gone when I was a boy and has now vanished forever were still part of my growing up. The first twenty days of our summer holidays, for instance, were always spent at Imbriaca, one of several vast agricultural properties belonging to my father in an area near Corleone, about forty miles from Palermo. Named after the Sicilian word for “drunk,” Imbriaca bordered on one of the many properties owned by my mother’s family. It was called Margi, which derives from the word “soaked.” This area, with its breathtakingly beautiful valleys, woods and towering cliffs, has little rainfall but is very rich in underground waters, and thus all the aqueous names.

The properties of Imbriaca and Margi are separated by a stream, crossed by a small bridge which we children jokingly called the Ponte dei Sospiri, “the Bridge of Sighs,” a reference to the romantic landmark all lovers visiting Venice feel obliged to pass under in a gondola. This bridge at Imbriaca was where my father, Salvatore Orlando, would meet my mother, Eleonora, youngest daughter of the aristocratic Cammarata family and many years his junior, when they were courting; so we imagined the romance of their trysts.

Theirs was a love match but also, by Sicilian standards, something of a mismatch as well. The Orlandos were landed gentry, and my father, whose family came from the charming town of Prizzi (in whose central square the wedding scene in The Godfather Part II, which supposedly takes place in Corleone, was actually shot), became a civil lawyer, just as his own father and grandfather had been. The Orlandos were part of that Catholic rural bourgeoisie whose strong moral principles became even more rigid in my father’s case through study of the law in Heidelberg. His morality was matched only by his piety. My father always paid his taxes fully and punctually, while others in his social class scornfully evaded them. He was seen as foolish for complying with the letter of the law, but for him the letter was the law in microcosm.

My mother descends on one side from the Marquises of Arezzo—of the oldest mid-Italian aristocracy—and on the other from the Cammaratas, Barons of Corleone. In fact, the Cammarata family palazzo in Corleone, which dominates the small central square of the town, is now the seat of municipal government. The Sicilian heritage of the Arezzos was literary in origin, beginning when one of them wrote a biography of Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor and King of Spain, Naples and Sicily. Charles was so pleased with this work that he showered money, titles and Sicilian land on the writer, and so the Arezzos joined the country’s nobility.

The fact that my mother had technically married beneath her class sometimes worked its way into her conversation. It was her only strength against my formidable father, and she used it with elegance and innuendo, often in the form of a melancholy observation that for reasons not entirely clear to her, she did not frequent as often as before the high society salons of Palermo where she belonged by birth. In truth, it was because of my father’s moral rigor, not the stigma of his bourgeois background, that both had chosen to shun this environment. Apart from close family members, I cannot recall a single friend of my mother’s or father’s frequently visiting our home. We were far more likely to entertain a worker or foreman from one of our country estates than non-family members of Palermo’s high society.

All this struck me as quite odd when I was growing up. Eventually I realized that it was my father’s way of keeping us from possibly being tainted by people casually associated (as so many upper-class Sicilians have been) with the Mafia. Later on, after the war against the Mafia had been fought and won, one of the wealthiest and best-bred individuals in Palermo, a man who had not offered any help when the fight was taking place, came up to me and said, “I want to thank you for what you’ve done. We offered them our fingers and they took our hands. You’ve given us our hands—our freedom—back again.”

There was no running water in our country house at Imbriaca, and as a five-year-old my great joy was to sit astride a mule led by one of the peasants who worked for our family, and go to fetch water from the spring. The water was put into enormous clay jars, attached to stout hooks on either side of the mule’s saddle, and brought back to the house, where it remained sweet and ice cold. Imbriaca had no electricity; illumination came from oil lamps, giving a dim, romantic light to our quiet evenings together. It was not until the 1960s that my father finally had a generator installed, but it made such an unholy racket at night that we switched it off and continued to go to bed with our oil lamps.

After the mule came a small Sardinian donkey. It was a present from my father and belonged to me alone. It took the place of horses, which I was rarely allowed to ride because, as the movie Gone with the Wind showed, they can cause one to fall and die. My parents continued to fret about their precious Luchetto’s mortality, even though in fact I was as healthy as my brothers and sisters. At the slightest sign of illness, Doctor Michele Navarra—referred to as my pediatrician, although he was actually the only available doctor in Corleone—was immediately summoned to thump my chest and give them reassurances.

The word “Mafia” being forbidden in our house, it was not until several years later that I learned that Dr. Navarra, who had a lease-hold on some of my mother’s Cammarata family property, was also the capomafia of Corleone. This was at a time when drugs had not yet changed the nature of the Mafia, drowning it in money and gratuitous violence, and it was still worth a man of honor’s time to administer the estate of an old aristocratic family. Some years later, Dr. Navarra’s star in the Corleonese Mafia’s firmament began to wane, while that of a particularly vicious criminal named Luciano Leggio was on the rise. Leggio was a cattle thief who gained control of a fleet of trucks after the Allied occupation. He used the trucks to transport the cattle he stole and slaughtered in Corleone to Palermo for sale on the black market. As Leggio’s ambition grew, he ran afoul of Dr. Navarra, who lured him to a meeting with the intention of killing him. But Leggio escaped and later ambushed my old pediatrician with submachine guns as he was crossing our family estate in his car.

If Imbriaca was our retreat, the place where we lived according to the rhythms that had guided Sicilian life for generations, our regular home was a large building on Via Villafranca in the center of Palermo. Our family had the entire third floor. Below us lived two maiden sisters of my father’s; and below them, another aunt with her husband and their five children. With the seven of us, that made twelve children between the two families, meaning plenty of play-mates without the need to import strangers. We first measured our intelligence, power and daring in the Sicilian way: against blood relatives. Our world was complete—and completely removed from the reality of the city and the vast majority of its inhabitants.

Our home was beautiful; my mother wouldn’t have allowed anything else. It was serene and full of love. But not necessarily joy. It was difficult to be joyful with our German governess, naturally called Fräulein, who was always present and ready to remind us of the rules and regulations that defined our lives. Fräulein was an elderly, tall, angular woman who uncannily embodied all of my father’s rigorous principles, and perhaps for this reason clashed regularly with my mother. She was not prone to smiles, let alone jokes. But while I frequently thought of the things I would like to do to her as punishment for her tyranny, neither I nor any of my brothers and sisters dared to begin an insurrection. An assault on established order was unthinkable. Instead, we vented our frustration on each other, regularly bickering and fighting. We accepted Fräulein’s right to discipline each of us individually, but never to regulate conflicts among ourselves. We were family, and no matter how much we fought, no one who didn’t share our blood had any right to step between us.

In any case, the only punishment we truly dreaded was my father’s pointed silence. Father was a large, imposing, self-contained man. But it was his eyes rather than his physical presence that cowed us. His look of disapproval was scorching when he entered the room and found us squabbling. We would all immediately fall silent. Possessing the moral equivalent of x-ray vision, his eyes would indicate who, in his opinion, was in the wrong. Without ever really being reproached, the one subjected to that withering gaze would run to his room, throw himself on his bed and cry. The next step in this ritual was for a brother or sister to quickly follow and offer consolation. The advice was always the same: “Go and apologize.”

The last words of this stylized drama of guilt and repentance were always the same: “Papa, I was wrong. I beg your pardon.” Whereupon my father’s look immediately became tranquil and soothing. The troublemaker was given a kiss and life returned to normal once again.

At my father’s insistence, our meals were the perfect expression of our way of life. Punctually at 1:30 P.M. each day we sat down for lunch, and again at exactly 8:30 for dinner—my father at the head of the table, my mother at the foot and we children arrayed always in the same configuration on either side. Our waiter/chauffeur Nino (or Vittorio Emanuele or Giuseppe, as the years passed), wearing white gloves, would serve first my mother, then my father, then each of the children. The meal was always the same: pasta, a main course and fruit. Tasty, plentiful, wholesome food; no appetizer and no dessert, both of which were considered weaknesses. No one was allowed to leave anything on the plate. That would be wasteful, and wastefulness, although we had plenty, was a sin.

Not going to Mass on Sunday was also a sin. Even more, it was simply inconceivable. We all trooped off to the local parish church every Sunday except at Christmas. This one time each year, the aristocratic side of the family was allowed to express itself and we attended midnight Mass at the Church of the Knights of Malta or the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. My father was himself a Knight of the Holy Sepulcher, a lay religious organization dating back to medieval times with its own age-old rituals, dress and traditions. After midnight Mass on Christmas Eve, we went to a reception in the Palazzo of the Princes of San Vincenzo, the same palazzo where the great Italian director Luchino Visconti filmed the famous ball scene of his film version of The Leopard with Burt Lancaster and Claudia Cardinale. As I realized later when I first read this great novel, we were living in the afterglow of the world Lampedusa had portrayed.

With religion came many of the traditions that, because they were Sicilian, involved food. I remember the panelle, thin flat triangles made with a paste of chickpea flour and fried in sizzling oil; and the cuccìa, a sweet made with grain, ricotta cheese, sugar and candied fruits. Delicious! These dishes always appeared on the table on December 13, the Feast of St. Lucia, when nothing made with wheat can be eaten—no bread, no pasta, no cake containing wheat flour—because tradition tells the tale that in a terrible year of famine, when all the wheat crop had failed, a boatload of grain arrived in Palermo harbor on the Feast of St. Lucia and such was the hunger of the poor citizens that they boiled it whole and ate it without waiting to grind it into flour. Thus the legend that St. Lucia had intervened miraculously to save Palermo. Today this tradition is still respected and the Palermitans have developed various succulent dishes for this holiday, none of them containing wheat.

One day in June of 1953, my father came home after supervising the harvest at Imbriaca. Giving me a significant look, he said to my mother: “It’s a disgrace that Luca is still not going to school. I’ve learned that the son of one of our workers went to school when he was five, and here is Luca, almost six and not yet at school.” The fact that my diminutive had gone from Luchetto to Luca was significant: I was growing up. On that day more than ever before, I felt the weight of my father’s expectations settling down on me.

That summer at our seaside villa in Sferracavallo (“horseshoe” in English, a reference to the shape of the small bay where the town was situated), Miss Serio, an elementary school teacher from Palermo, came every day to give me lessons. While my brothers and sisters continued to pick blackberries and ride the Sardinian donkey, I prepared to enter the world. At the end of that long, exhausting summer, I took examinations, passed, and was admitted directly into the second grade of primary school—thus, to my father’s deep satisfaction, equaling the achievement of the son of one of our farm workers.

My school was Gonzaga, the private school of Palermo. It stood in a huge park and was run by Jesuit priests who had created a reputation for excellent academics and exacting standards of personal discipline. It was exclusively for boys (my sisters went to a private convent school), and even more exclusively, for the boys of rich families. But not the newly rich—only the rich with a name and a history. No sons of the parvenus were admitted to Gonzaga. Our morning trip to school was a stately progress in the company of Fräulein and the chauffeur who commanded the large black Mercedes. First my sisters were dropped off at the Sacred Heart, and then we three boys were taken to Gonzaga where our day began with Mass in the small chapel.

I remember two things from those days: sore knees from kneeling, and the black smock with a starched collar we were forced to wear. I hated that smock! In the garden there was a fountain with several taps, and during recess I often “accidentally” got my smock soaked so I would have an excuse for not putting it back on over my shorts when we returned to class. For years my ultimate ambition was to lose the smock and gain long trousers. In the meantime I had a proximate ambition: to become a member of the choir. This was not because I had any particular love of music or could sing very well. In fact, I was tone-deaf. But the choir members wore a special smock that was slightly more tolerable than the regular one. Finally, moved by my pathetic persistence, my teachers agreed to put me in the choir on one condition: I was to move my mouth but, on pain of immediate expulsion, I was not to sing. Not one note.

My satisfaction was enormous. The special smock allowed me to feel that I had bella figura. This concept, which might be understood as “cutting an impressive figure,” is of course almost a secular religion to all Italians, but especially to Sicilians, for whom the elegant appearance has traditionally masked and to some degree transformed the impoverished reality. I have more than once asked a friend, after giving a speech, how it went, and received what I must admit was a satisfying response: “Luca, you talked a load of nonsense, but you had bella figura.

Returning home after choir practice in my special smock, I found no deep appreciation for music there, either. It’s true that my father would frequently sing a few lines of some aria to help him underline a point he was trying to make, and attending the opera in our family box at the Teatro Massimo was another ritual in our lives. But while we never missed an opening night, I am sad to say that music was not part of our soul. It was an elegant dress one wore on certain occasions and part of the language of our social class, a language whose most important phrase, it sometimes seemed, was bella figura.

The rebellious spirit I repressed at home exploded at Gonzaga. During my first six years there, I was always at the bottom of the class. I refused to study and chose friends who had the same attitude. The result was that at the end of each academic year I had to endure a conference with my parents in which they were told, “This year we’ll promote him…” There was another clause not spoken though strongly implied: “but probably not next year.” And indeed, year by year more of my friends dropped behind. Then, at the age of eleven, I found myself alone. The last of my obstinate friends, Attilio, had failed because an exasperated teacher had discovered that he could barely read. So I spent that year at the bottom of the class by myself.

The next fall, though, something clicked. It was as if I said to myself, “Enough!” Expending not much more effort to succeed than I had at failing, I soon reached the top of my class and stayed there. The fact that one could completely change the course of his life was a lesson that had a continuing impact on me. If an individual could say “Enough,” it occurred to me later on, why not a group? If a group, why not a neighborhood? If a neighborhood, why not a city?

I was now a good student, but still had trouble behaving. To be promoted each year, one had to receive a grade of 8 in condotta. I was lucky to get a 7, which meant a continuation of the year-end negotiations between my parents and school officials.

One teacher I had particular difficulty getting along with was Father Barbosio, who taught science. I regarded many of the things he said as both scientifically and morally questionable, and arrogantly went out of my way to ridicule him. I also played infantile pranks on him. In the middle of an experiment, for instance, I would sneak to the power switch and turn it off, rendering all the work done up until then useless. During a test, I would pass my own invariably excellent notes to other students—in particular to those who hadn’t studied.

After putting up with such behavior longer than he should have, Father Barbosio finally took me aside: “Look, it’s useless continuing this way. You misbehave, I have to throw you out, and you stand in the hall the rest of the hour. Let’s save time. The moment I enter the classroom, you exit.”

So for two years I passed every science hour out in the corridor, forced to stand up straight near the door with folded arms—no lounging, no leaning against the wall. Father Barbosio questioned the other students about the content of past lessons in strict alphabetical order, which gave them a sense of when they’d be called on. But not me. At any time I could be asked to step in from the hall and answer a question. A perhaps unintended consequence of this arrangement was that I was the only one in the class who thoroughly studied everything.

I made trouble in large part because I was confused about practically everything, although I thought I had everything well under control. This arrogance was shaken in high school when I heard there were one or two boys who knew about or had had sex. We used the phrase “having sex” with braggadocio, but for me at least, the reality behind it was a mystery. I had grown up believing firmly in the equation that is central to a certain kind of Catholicism: body + sex = sin. Everything that had to do with the body, in fact, was not only sinful but stupid. I remember once during our infrequent gym exercises we were climbing a rope. I was barely able to clear the floor, and felt quite virtuous about it. “Look at him!” I remember thinking about a classmate who nimbly shinnied up the rope, “He’s really stupid!”

It was little wonder that I drove all of the teachers and administrators crazy. As I look back on this, I am not particularly proud. There was nothing funny in my behavior. Yet I cannot help but smile at the memory of the dean, whom I had one day driven entirely out of his wits, chasing me down the corridor in an effort to place a (probably well-deserved) kick on my backside. I swerved to escape the kick and his shoe flew off and landed on the head of an innocent student, an open-mouthed spectator to this extraordinary scene.

In another country at another time, perhaps, school would have been the transitional stage out into civic life. But not in Sicily in the 1950s. It was still inside the family where most of the social lessons were learned. I have a vivid memory, for instance, of an afternoon during the period when I was having such behavior problems in school, when my father was late for lunch. This in itself was unheard of. We children peered through the shutters—closed to keep out the heat—on the lookout for the arrival of his car. We never would have considered eating without him. We couldn’t have, even if we wanted to: Giuseppe was with him, and for us to eat, he would have to remove his chauffeur’s hat and jacket, then put on his white jacket and white gloves and serve at the table.

My mother told us that Papa was seeing Cardinal Ruffini, archbishop of Palermo, a figure I thought of as being only one small step down from the Pope, who was himself but one step down from God. But this did not make the waiting any easier. Finally, at two o’clock, the car turned into the driveway.

Papa came in and brusquely apologized for his lateness, and then we sat down.

“Have you been with His Eminence?” my mother asked after we had been eating in silence for several minutes.

“Yes.” My father did not look up.

“You’re quite late,” she prodded a minute or so later.

“Yes. A long conversation.”

As we continued eating, it suddenly seemed as if my parents were alone together in a room where the rest of us could watch but not enter. This was a room filled with looks and strategic pauses more than words.

“What did you talk about?”

“You know, Pina,”—my father’s rare use of my mother’s nickname heightened the sense of a privileged communication between them—“His Eminence asked me to stand as candidate for the Christian Democrats at the next elections. He assured me that I would have the full support of the Church.”

“And?” my mother prompted.

“And I refused.”

Why? My mother didn’t ask the question. I did—silently and without even looking up. Why didn’t you become a candidate? My father could have become a member of Parliament and he refused! He could have been in Rome with ministers and heads of state and he refused!

My father spoke again, almost as if responding to me directly: “If I were to stand for the Christian Democrats, I would have to accept votes from the Mafia.”

He had finally said the word! My mind was whirling. I felt almost drunk from this unexpected cocktail comprised of these strong ingredients: the cardinal, the Christian Democrats, the Mafia and my father. What had the cardinal to do with the Mafia? What were Mafia votes, and why would Papa have to accept them if he stood for the Christian Democrats? The pieces might have fallen into place if I had known that at about this time, Cardinal Ruffini had gotten a letter of inquiry from the Vatican in response to the charge of a courageous Protestant clergyman that Sicily was controlled by the Mafia. Ruffini had responded with what had been his position—and that of the local church—for decades: Sicilians are decent, hard-working people libeled by such an accusation. There is no such thing as an organization called the Mafia; there are only individual criminals.

The private intellectual room my parents shared was suffused with that suffocating mutual understanding I had sensed on other occasions—when, for instance, we were all ready to depart for the country, our cases packed in the black Mercedes, and suddenly we would be told, “We’re not going now.” We couldn’t leave, not even traveling as we were accustomed to do: always by daylight, and whenever possible in convoy with other family members in several cars, the adults alert and cautious. This was considered not so much taking precautions, as simply the way we moved, part of our manner of life. Only many years later did I learn that there had been a constant danger of kidnapping. Eventually it stopped, not because the Mafia had a change of heart toward the inhabitants of their own land, but simply because this was a crime that brought too many carabinieri to scour the countryside, thus hampering other, more lucrative criminal activities.

I had the same feeling—that there was something out there I wasn’t quite getting—when my father would come home and say something like this to my mother: “I saw Cavaliere Peppino. He greeted me and I answered him politely. Fortunately he didn’t ask to come here to our home.” Or when I saw his reaction to certain distant cousins who had allied themselves by marriage to families whose surnames would be mentioned with a particular look or tone of voice. Such matters were so freighted with taboo that we children didn’t even ask each other—and even less thought of asking our parents—“What is this all about?” Certain things were just the way they were. If we were no longer leaving for the country, obviously there was a reason. If some people, even relatives, were not to be associated with, obviously there was a reason. But we didn’t speak of it.

So the feeling was familiar, yet this memorable lunch was somewhat different. It was when the idea of the Mafia as a reality, not just a word, began to inhabit my mind. It was not only evil, but ambiguous, perverse, contaminating. It stained those who were touched by it and even those who weren’t.

Later on, when I was engaged in my fight against the Mafia, rumors circulated that my father, morally the most impeccable man I have ever known, had himself been a Mafia consigliore. (The consigliore is an advisor who is outside the organization, unlike the consigliere, the lawyer/advisor who is inside the family.) He was guilty by syllogism: he was a man of power; Mafia men are powerful; therefore he must be connected to the Mafia. When I sued the author of this slander and got a final judgment for 100 million lire, these rumors immediately stopped.

The subject of the Mafia was never, in all my school years, mentioned at Gonzaga, not even in high school. Not that the subject was avoided; it simply didn’t exist. We all lived under a bell jar—not only the children of wealthy families attending Gonzaga, but all Sicilians. Our ignorance was willful; today it would be called “denial.” The Mafia might well be virtually invisible as an organization, yet it could be seen in its works, not just in the occasional death, but also in the changing face of our city. For it was in the 1950s and ’60s that what later became known as the “Sack of Palermo” was taking place.

After the war, there had finally been land reform. The effect, paradoxically, was not so much that a few peasants got a few acres of their own, but that many others were freed from the land altogether. Hundreds of thousands left farms for the city. Their arrival touched off a postwar building boom. In Sicily some 70 percent of the GNP is government, and government is always building, always spending money. But this building boom was unlike any other.

It coincided with the rise of two young men, Salvo Lima and Vito Ciancimino. Lima had Mafia in his blood: he was the son of a Mafioso named Vincenzo Lima. Ciancimino was a “made” member of Cosa Nostra. The two men moved into the leadership of Palermo’s Christian Democrats in the 1950s, the first generation of politicians with clear Mafia ties. By the early 1960s Lima was mayor of Palermo and Ciancimino was his commissioner for public works—by far the most important of all the departments. Together they supervised the design of the city’s infamous “Town Plan,” which became, in effect, the manifesto for the Sack of Palermo.

Development was forced into green areas on the outskirts of the city, areas invariably owned by “friends of the friends,” which immediately skyrocketed in value. A style of architecture that can only be called Mafia Modern sprang up there: boxy cement dormitories for the immigrants from rural areas, shoddy structures of indignity packed with poor people who received no municipal services once they were settled there. (Some areas in the city received no deliveries of water, gas, and electricity not just for days or even months, but for years!) Looking at these concrete jungles, one could understand why Sicilians were the largest per capita consumers on earth not only of olive oil, tomatoes, and anchovies, but also of cement.

Lima and Ciancimino oversaw the blueprint for the Sack, and allowed the Mafia to supervise it through construction-business fronts that made astronomical profits. Their construction was actually destruction in disguise. The wonderful Conca d’Oro (Golden Vale), once full of orange groves whose blossoms perfumed the air in springtime, was eaten up by cement. And the same fate overtook other areas like Piana dei Colli, famed for its magnificent seventeenth- and eighteenth-century villas.

My father managed to save our home by convincing the authorities to designate it as historically important. (This allowed him to tell those who approached him to buy and tear down and ultimately replace the building that unfortunately his hands were tied.) But many wealthy homeowners did not take these steps. In fact they collaborated with the construction Mafia. Beautiful art nouveau villas along the Via Libertà were destroyed to make room for apartments. Many of the structures protected by their landmark status were allowed to decay, the owners hoping that if they eventually became dangerous enough, demolition would finally be allowed.

The result was the destruction of a city and its spirit. In addition to the concrete warrens on the outskirts of town, there were surreal projects like roads leading to dead ends and factories that never produced anything, while the center of the city was left to implode from neglect. Magnificent Moorish buildings and Norman churches deteriorated amidst a bombed-out decay similar to that of New York’s Bedford-Stuyvesant. The population of the city center decreased from over a hundred thousand to less than forty thousand almost overnight, with those left living in Third World squalor.

And while all this happened—the remaking of Palermo into a Mafiapolis—nobody said a word. The Mafia code of omertà, silence, had long since become a national affliction.

Fighting the Mafia & Renewing Sicilian Culture

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