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Those who make art we call artists. Anyone can be an

artist.2 There are no tests to take, no certification required, and no particular skills needed. Similarly, anyone can call themselves an artist. (Conversely, anyone can be an artist but not call themselves one.) Accordingly, there are as many ways to be an artist as there are people on the planet.

Artists create from a subjective point of view:

– This is what I see.

(Or would like to see. Or could imagine. . . .)

– This is what I hear.

– This is what I feel.

– This is what I think.

– This is what I believe.

– This is what I question.

– This is what I am curious about.

– This is what I want to manifest.

– This is what I am.

(Or could be. Or would like to be. . . .)

What Artists Do

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