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“Are you ever going to put her down?”

With a radiant smile on her face, Bronson’s wife of two months rocked their sleeping daughter. A sight he never tired of seeing.

“She’s just so sweet,” Mia whispered. “I could look at her all day.”

Bronson knew exactly how she felt. He eased off the door frame and crept into the room, loving the look of his family—Bella, with her mother’s dark wispy hair and almond-shaped chocolate eyes, and Mia with her glow that never ceased to clutch his heart.

He knelt down beside the plush rocker they’d ordered on their trip to Italy. “You’re going to have to let her sleep on her own, you know.”

Mia’s lips brushed the top of Bella’s head. “I know. I just want her to know how much she’s loved.”

“I’m sure she knows.” Bronson wrapped an arm around Mia, leaned his head against hers and watched his child sleep, nestled against Mia’s chest. “I love you, Mia. Love you more every day.”

“I love you, too.”

“I just hung up with Anthony.”

“Bella’s a heavy sleeper. Tell me.” Mia’s rocking slowed. “Did you ask him to work with you on your mother’s film?”

“We’ve talked about it. We’re taking this one day at a time. We know how important this is to Mom, and we can’t let our past differences affect the movie. We both want this to be the best film either of us have ever produced and directed.”

Mia adjusted the white blanket over Bella’s tiny hands. “I think that says a lot about where the two of you are now in your journey.”

“Yeah, it does.” Bronson cleared his throat. “I want him to help me produce it, not just direct.”

Mia’s misty gaze came up to meet his. “Oh, Bronson. That’s wonderful.”

Bronson’s heart clenched at the sight of his wife, his daughter and this talk of producing a movie with his half brother. “I haven’t asked him, but I plan on it.”

“I’m so happy for the two of you.”

Bronson kissed the tip of her nose. “I’m happy for me, too. I never imagined I could have everything I ever wanted, but I do.”

Mia’s smile lit her up from within. “Trust me, I know all about dreams coming true.”

Six Hot Summer Nights

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