Читать книгу Accepted in the Beloved - Leslie McKinney Attema - Страница 5



The Lord gave me the desire to write Accepted in the Beloved and granted me the grace, perseverance, and wisdom to finish the task. God’s unending goodness and incredible love never cease to amaze me. For her constant critique, care, listening ear, and hours of time, I am immensely thankful to Karen Smith, my dear seminary friend and sister in the Lord. She is graced with wisdom, gentle with criticism, and a faithful follower of Jesus Christ. I am grateful to Aída Besançon Spencer, mentor, ministry colleague, and friend, for her exemplary scholarship, constant encouragement, and hours of editing. Her profession of teaching women to exegete properly the word of truth and of training and encouraging women to lead has transformed my life. For her passion for teaching, encouraging, and preparing women leaders in the church, and for offering women the opportunity to pursue their dreams and fulfill their callings in Christ, I am thankful and indebted to Alice P. Mathews. For her hours of time, her expert editing skills, and her thoughtful critique of my work, I am thankful to Deb Beatty Mel. Her calming spirit and peace-filled heart have encouraged me to keep moving forward with steadiness and persistence. Finally, I am grateful to my husband, Hayes McKinney, for his love, support, and willingness to let me follow God’s lead in my life, enabling me to pursue my studies over these last years.

Accepted in the Beloved

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