Читать книгу The MD's Mistress / The Money Man's Seduction: The MD's Mistress - Leslie LaFoy - Страница 13



At first his kiss was really not a kiss at all, simply his cool lips on hers. Becca went stiff, ice invading her spine, freezing her to the spot with outrage.

Damned if he wasn’t doing it to her again, kissing her to keep her quiet. Oh, Becca, shut up. Only this time he didn’t press his mouth to hers almost as if he wanted to devour her.

And then, all hell broke loose inside her mind, her emotions, her entire body.

Seth’s lips grew warm, his mouth taking command of hers as though it was his right, as though she belonged to him, was his to do with as he pleased.

She wanted to shove him away, but at that moment he slipped his hands from her face to wrap his arms around her, drawing her hard against him.

She lifted her hands to scratch at his face, tangled her fingers in his hair to tear at it, pull it from his scalp.

Her rioting emotions, frustration, need, emptiness and a sudden flare of physical response stilled her hands, turning her fury into passion.

She did slide her fingers into his hair, but to tug his head closer. His tongue swept inside her mouth, teased her tongue, sending electrical shock waves throughout her body. The tips of her breasts tightened and tingled all the way down to her feminine core. Without thought or direction, Becca arched into him.

He made a low, almost growling sound in his throat, thrust his tongue deep inside. Tightening his arms around her, he trailed one hand to the base of her spine, crushing her to the hard readiness of his body.

She felt him…all the way from the top of her head to the tip of her now tingling toes. Somewhere, in the very back of what was left of her mind, Becca thought she should stop him.

No, no, she banished the dimming thought. She didn’t want to stop him, she wanted… Releasing her fingers from his silky hair, she curled her arms around his neck and hung on, hungrily returning the kiss as if her life depended on it.

With an urgent need to breathe, Seth again lifted his head. Becca wanted to protest, but she couldn’t speak. He didn’t loosen his hold on her and she continued to cling to him. Resting her forehead against his heaving chest, she shivered to the excited arousal racing along her nervous system, tangoing up her spine.

“Ahhh, Becca.” Raising her chin with his other hand, he again lowered his head to command her mouth with his.

This time his kiss was gentle, teasing, his tongue playing hide-and-seek with hers. Kissed senseless, beyond coherent thought, she simply melted into him, returning the kiss, joining with his playful tongue.

She was only vaguely aware of being lifted into his arms. His increasingly hungry mouth setting her on fire, she clung to him as he strode into her bedroom, kicking the door shut behind them.

“Seth…” she began, only to have him silence her with one finger over her lips.

“Now is not the time for talk, Becca,” he murmured, gliding his finger over her bottom lip. “Now is the time for indulgence, of our senses, in each other.”

A tremor of longing rippled through her at the images his words evoked. Images right out of her dreams about him, them, together. Without a murmur of protest, Becca raised her mouth to his.

Within minutes, without breaking the kiss, they slipped out of their clothing. Then finally, skin to skin, they fell onto the bed together.

Seth’s body was hot and smooth and hard. She shivered in the heat of him. She trembled as his hands began to move, caressing her body.

A soft protest sprang to her throat when his mouth left hers. Her protest swiftly changed to a moan as his lips tracked the path of his hands.

Following his lead, Becca skimmed her hands over every inch of his body she could reach. She loved the feel of his hot skin beneath her palms. His back was broad, muscles taut with expectation. She traced the length of his spine. Emboldened by the quiver of his body, she smoothed her hands over his tight, narrow buttocks then stretched to slide her palms down his muscled bunched thighs. He made a guttural sound deep in his throat as she skimmed her fingers up the insides of his thighs.

Her own muffled groan echoed his as his one hand cupped one of her bottom cheeks and the other hand cupped her mound.

Without conscious thought, her thighs parted. She gasped with surprised pleasure when his fingers found and teased the most sensitive spot on her body.

“Seth…” That was all she could manage to say between short harsh breaths.

“You like that?” His voice was low, pure temptation. His mouth sought and found her breast, lips closing around the tip.

This time she couldn’t manage even one word. But her gasp, the tremor that cascaded down her body, told him all he needed to know. “You like that, too?” His warm breath bathed her wet nipple, causing her to shiver.

Becca was long past denial. “Yes, yes, yes,” she said, raking her nails down his back.

“Umm…” he murmured, shivering in response. “And I like that.” Sliding up over her, he took her mouth in a soul-stirring, mind-destroying kiss. “And I like that.” He deepened the kiss. “And that,” he whispered against her lips before drawing a shudder from her by gliding his tongue along the inside of her lower lip. “But I like what’s next even more.” Kneeing her thighs wider, he settled between them.

The MD's Mistress / The Money Man's Seduction: The MD's Mistress

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