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Ye Fattale Cheyse


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Ytte wes a mirke an dreiry cave,

Weet scroggis(1) owr ytte creepe.

Gurgles withyn ye flowan wave

Throw channel braid an deep

Never withyn that dreir recesse

Wes sene ye lyghte of daye,

Quhat bode azont(2) yts mirkinesse(3)

Nane kend an nane mote saye.

Ye monarche rade owr brake an brae

An drave ye yellynge packe,

Hiz meany(4) au’ richte cadgily(5)

Are wendynge(6) yn hiz tracke.

Wi’ eager iye, wi’ yalpe an crye

Ye hondes yode(7) down ye rocks, Ahead of au’ their companye

Renneth ye panky(8) foxe.

Ye foxe hes soughte that cave of awe

Forewearied(9) wi’ hiz rin.

Quha nou ys he sae bauld an braw(10)

To dare to enter yn?

Wi’ eager bounde hes ilka honde

Gane till that caverne dreir,

Fou(11) many a yowl(12) ys(13) hearde arounde, Fou(11) many a screech of feir.

Like ane wi’ thirstie appetite

Quha swalloweth orange pulp,

Wes hearde a huggle an a bite,

A swallow an a gulp.

Ye kynge hes lap frae aff hiz steid,

Outbrayde(15) hiz trenchant brande; “Quha on my packe of hondes doth feed,

Maun deye benead thilke hande.”

Sae sed, sae dune: ye stonderes(16) hearde Fou many a mickle(17) stroke, Sowns(18) lyke ye flappynge of a birde, A struggle an a choke.

Owte of ye cave scarce fette(19) they ytte, Wi pow(20) an push and hau’(21) — Whereof Y’ve drawne a littel bytte,

Bot durst not draw ytte au.(22)

The Poetry Collections of Lewis Carroll

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