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My text offers an analysis of the first wave1 of COVID-​19 in England.2 It is neither a diary nor journalism. Rather, it seeks to take account of as many of the key documents relating to the policy response as possible, focusing on the approach taken by the Government and the position of other key actors, particularly scientists and public health practitioners. It looks in detail at two issues of particular importance and concern: the performance of the test, trace and isolate system, and the heavy toll exacted on the residents and staff of care homes. I hope that the account and the conclusions regarding the policy problems that have been experienced may become a point of reference for those offering a comparative analysis of all the countries of the UK and beyond in the future. I look only at the first wave of the pandemic. The main part of the text was written between late July and October 2020, with some additions up to late December. It will be interesting to see the correctives offered by those taking the longer view in the future.

Jane Lewis

31 December 2020

The Challenge of Controlling COVID-19

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