Читать книгу 5 Jobs Mommies Can Work from Home - Liden McCoy - Страница 5


In memory of my Mother, Constance McCoy,

who was a mother of six children and who always had an entrepreneurial spirit!


You currently work a forty-hour-week, nine-to-five job. You love your job until you gave birth to your precious wide-eyed, giggly, cooing baby. Once you were off on maternity leave, you realize you wanted to be there for your baby’s first steps, potty training, and oh, how you would love to hear them say that very special word, dear to your heart: “Mama.” Do you really want someone else to experience those precious moments in life?

You may wonder, How can I make a living and nurture and love my child at the same time? Childcare can be quite expensive and can dwindle your salary significantly. There is hope and relief! In this book, you will read about several options and resources that are available for you to research. When you finish reading this book, you will be inspired and motivated to be a mompreneur! Encourage all the moms that you know to read this book and be inspired. Enjoy!

5 Jobs Mommies Can Work from Home

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