Читать книгу The Surgeon's Love-Child - Lilian Darcy - Страница 3


Dear Reader,

It’s possible one day I’ll regret that I wrote this book. I love my American heroine, Candace, with her combination of strength and vulnerability. I don’t regret her. She really deserves Steve Colton, the sexy Australian doctor who comes into her life. I love the way their story develops—sex comes early and real life hits them hard soon afterward. I love the atmosphere of surgery and the cast of minor characters, particularly Candace’s mother. No regrets there, either.

What I’ll regret is the fact that I’ve given away one of Australia’s great, undiscovered secrets—the beautiful coastline south of Sydney, stretching for miles and miles. As you’ll find out when you read The Surgeon’s Love-Child, some of those gorgeous beaches are deserted enough that you can walk for an hour and scarcely see another human being…or make love in the dunes after dark without fear of discovery.

I hope you love Candace and Steve’s story, and that the setting inspires some of you to come for a visit. But please don’t tell anyone. We want to keep the place to ourselves, don’t you think?

Lilian Darcy

The Surgeon's Love-Child

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