Читать книгу Как попасть на обучение по пластической хирургии в Сеул - Лилия Тухбатуллина - Страница 3



На обучение нужно зарегистрироваться на официальном сайте IFAAS. На этом сайте выбираете интересующий Вас курс, регистрируетесь и появляются данные для оплаты. Можно оплатить банковским переводом, можно по карте. Если выбираете несколько курсов, то делают небольшую скидку.

Прилагаю переписку с IFAAS. Данные WhatsApp взяла с официального сайта. Самое сложное было – это оплатить обучение.

Здесь я пишу, что хотела бы поменять курс по блефаропластике с Сингапура на Сеул.

[09:09, 12/07/2023] Liliya Tukhbatullina: Hello! My name is Liliya. I want before to take course on Blepharoplasty in Singapore but I decide to change on course on blepharoplasty in Seoul

[09:10, 12/07/2023] IFAAS Seoul: Hello

Thank you for contacting IFAAS. Please feel free to let us know if you have any questions.


[09:10, 12/07/2023] IFAAS Seoul: Sure – well noted.

[09:11, 12/07/2023] IFAAS Seoul: We will cancel your registration for Singapore program and you may register again for the Seoul courses. Thank you

[09:11, 12/07/2023] Liliya Tukhbatullina: Yes, I make registration in Seoul

Обучение в Сеуле стоит 2000$. Я ходила в вьетнамский банк TP bank, чтобы сделать перевод денег за обучение, но мне ответили в банке очень пространно, что это займет много времени, не известно, когда они смогут сделать перевод и что со мной свяжутся.

[12:48, 17/07/2023] Liliya Tukhbatullina: Hello! I go today to my bank and I want to pay for my education. But I’m from Russia

[12:48, 17/07/2023] Liliya Tukhbatullina: This my communication with bank worker

Приложила переписку с банком, где сотрудники банка ответили, что не знают когда смогут перевести деньги, и что это может занять неизвестное количество времени.

[12:49, 17/07/2023] Liliya Tukhbatullina: Maybe will be difficult to pay me, because I’m from Russia and I work in Vietnam now

[12:50, 17/07/2023] Liliya Tukhbatullina: When the bank makes the payment, I will inform you

[14:50, 17/07/2023] IFAAS Seoul: Thank you for your updates. You have informed the bank about the invoice for the payment? Thank you

[14:52, 17/07/2023] Liliya Tukhbatullina: Yes

Прошел месяц. От банка ответа не было. Мне пришла идея попросить знакомых вьетнамцев заплатить за меня. Написала о своей идее в обучающую организацию.

[10:01, 21/08/2023] Liliya Tukhbatullina: Hello! I would like to attend a blepharoplasty course in Seoul. I am a Russian citizen and currently live in Vietnam. I cannot pay for a course on my own behalf in Vietnam. Can I ask a friend to transfer tuition money?

[10:01, 21/08/2023] IFAAS Seoul: Hello

Thank you for contacting IFAAS. Please feel free to let us know if you have any questions.


Сходила с переводчицей в другой банк. Мне сказали принести трудовой договор, справку о доходах за 6 месяцев, паспорт, визу в Корею, заявку на обучение.

Пришла идея заплатить наличными в день обучения. Решила написать организаторам.

[13:46, 21/08/2023] Liliya Tukhbatullina: Hello! Today I went to the bank for the second time. It is very difficult to transfer money from Vietnam abroad. Can I pay in cash on the first day of training?

[13:47, 21/08/2023] IFAAS Seoul: Dear Dr Liliya, unfortunately we can’t take cash onsite. Would you like to make payment with credit card instead?

[13:50, 21/08/2023] IFAAS Seoul: You may also have your friend to transfer on your behalf as long as it states the correct course registration invoice number

[10:04, 22/08/2023] IFAAS Seoul: Hello, Dr Liliya

Just to follow up on this, would you like to go for the credit card payment or through your friend?

[10:56, 22/08/2023] Liliya Tukhbatullina: Hello! Yesterday I went to the bank with an interpreter. I was told that I needed to bring a work contract, a visa to Korea, a salary certificate for 6 months. I ordered an accountant. It will be ready Wednesday afternoon. As soon as all the documents are in, I will go to the bank again. When I pay, I will send you a check for payment.

[10:59, 22/08/2023] IFAAS Seoul: Can I check with you, since we do not accept cheque. Do you mean sending us a bank transfer receipt?

[11:02, 22/08/2023] Liliya Tukhbatullina: Yes

[11:03, 22/08/2023] IFAAS Seoul: okay thank you.

Ждала справку о доходах.

[21:18, 24/08/2023] IFAAS Seoul: Hello Dr – May I check if there are any updates on this please? Thank you

[21:22, 24/08/2023] Liliya Tukhbatullina: Hello! I’m waiting for a certificate from the accounting department. When I receive a certificate, I can transfer money through a bank

[21:22, 24/08/2023] IFAAS Seoul: Okay thank you for your update

Меня отправили в командировку в город Халонг. Переписка с организаторами.

[09:03, 28/08/2023] IFAAS Seoul: Hello, may I check if there are any updates on this please?

[09:06, 28/08/2023] Liliya Tukhbatullina: Hello! I was sent to Halong for a week. I ordered a certificate in the city of Ho chi minh. Once I receive the certificate, I will be able to go to the bank again. When I go to the bank, I will tell you the result

[09:08, 28/08/2023] IFAAS Seoul: May I know when will you be able to go to the bank please?

[09:25, 28/08/2023] Liliya Tukhbatullina: I will be able to go to the bank after September 4

[09:26, 28/08/2023] IFAAS Seoul: Currently you are holding the last spot of the Seoul Blepharoplasty, we have been hosting the seat for you for the past 2 weeks. If would be very hard for us to hold again until Sept 4

[09:26, 28/08/2023] IFAAS Seoul: Would it be possible for you to arrange your friend to transfer for you? Alternatively, you may make payment with credit card method? Thank you

[09:49, 28/08/2023] Liliya Tukhbatullina: ok, I’ll try with a bank card. But I need time to put money on the card. I’m in a small town now, there are few banks here

[10:20, 28/08/2023] IFAAS Seoul: Okay please make new registration with credit card by August 30th. Thank you

[13:05, 28/08/2023] Liliya Tukhbatullina: Hello! I try pay by card but can’t.

Я скинула организаторам скриншот того, что оплата картой у меня не проходит.

[13:06, 28/08/2023] Liliya Tukhbatullina: It is necessary go to bank

[13:06, 28/08/2023] IFAAS Seoul: thank you

[10:33, 30/08/2023] IFAAS Seoul: Hello Dr – May I check on this again please?

[10:36, 30/08/2023] Liliya Tukhbatullina: Hello! I need to go to the bank with a certificate of income for 6 months and with an employment contract. I was sent on a business trip to Halong. Contract and certificate in Ho Chi Minh City. I’m flying to Ho Chi Minh City on September 1st. I can go to the bank in Ho Chi Minh City.

[10:38, 30/08/2023] IFAAS Seoul: Okay we will extend to Sept 1st.

Thanks for the update.

[14:43, 31/08/2023] IFAAS Seoul: Hello Dr Liliya, just a gentle reminder tomorrow is the last day for you to make your payment.

[15:00, 31/08/2023] Liliya Tukhbatullina: Hello. My fly in Ho Chi Minh City tomorrow in evening.

[15:00, 31/08/2023] Liliya Tukhbatullina: Bank work till 17.00

[15:00, 31/08/2023] Liliya Tukhbatullina: I will try to pay as soon as possible

[15:02, 31/08/2023] IFAAS Seoul: Okay this is the last extension till next Monday, 4 September. If you are unable to make the payment by then, we will be releasing your spot to the next doctor.

[15:03, 31/08/2023] IFAAS Seoul: Please understand that we already have extend very long for you.

[15:05, 31/08/2023] Liliya Tukhbatullina: The problem is not with me, but with the banks.

[15:05, 31/08/2023] Liliya Tukhbatullina: I offered cash on the day of the event

[15:05, 31/08/2023] IFAAS Seoul: We understand Dr but it’s unfair for the next doctor in line waiting to get the spot

[15:06, 31/08/2023] IFAAS Seoul: We can’t take registration in cash onsite as previously explained

[15:06, 31/08/2023] Liliya Tukhbatullina: I went to 2 banks and tried to pay by card. I do my best to pay.

[15:17, 31/08/2023] Liliya Tukhbatullina: Please give me the number of the doctor who is waiting for an empty seat. I want to talk to this doctor

[15:19, 31/08/2023] IFAAS Seoul: Unfortunately we are able to release our other client’s info to you. Please kindly provide a transfer receipt the latest by the end of Sept 4, otherwise the system will cancel your registration.

Как попасть на обучение по пластической хирургии в Сеул

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