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Sending Wish Balloons to the Sky Dragons


Choose balloons that are brightly colored, and make sure you have an assortment of reds, yellows, whites, pinks, and lavenders. Do not use balloons that are blue, green, or black since you want to release yang, rather than yin, energy.

The Chinese believe that dragons fly ever upwards and that the soaring chi of the sky dragons has the power to propel all your wishes into the cosmos. A great way to communicate your wishes to the great sky dragons is to release specially prepared wish-fulfilling balloons into the skies. Buy yourself a collection of helium-filled balloons and take them to the park or any open ground. On a slightly windy day when the sun is not too bright, look for places where beautiful clouds gather against blue skies, and let your balloons go with your wishes into the universe. This is a stunning way of attracting love into your life, improving your career prospects, and of drawing forth the great healing powers of the Universe to cure someone who is ill.

Get a black felt-tip pen and compose your message. You do not have much space on which to write, so do make certain that you construct your words carefully beforehand. If you want someone to share your life with, think through the kind of partner you want. If looks are important to you put in something that directly addresses physical appearance. If financial security is important describe that too. If you have a burning ambition, write out a description of how you see yourself. If your wish is to see someone cured, write that person’s name down and describe his or her recovered state. Be as specific as you can. Remember that the goal is to send your clearly worded message into the Universe so that the winds and the waters of the environment help actualize your wishes for you.

Let the sky dragons make your dreams a reality. Write your wish on a yang-colored balloon, such as red or purple, and launch it into a bright blue sky.

Put one wish on one balloon. This will focus the energy of the balloon on your one wish. When you have finished writing the words that best describe your heart’s desire, gently release the balloon. Watch it as it flies high into the sky. When it suddenly vanishes from sight your wish has entered into the energy stream of the environment. If you have several wishes, you should send up one balloon at a time. If you know some mantras, chant them as you send your balloons soaring upwards; visualize them transforming into orbs of bright golden light with your message clearly emblazoned upon them.

When you have released all your balloons, forget about the wishes you have sent into the skies. Let the winds and the waters, the clouds and the sky dragons actualize your wishes for you. You will be surprised how powerful this ritual can be. It is not necessary to worry too much about your wishes once you have released your balloon. You must be careful to practice a certain detachment to the outcome of wishes, because this will enhance the strength of your messages. If you fret too much about the messages you send you will be sending out negative vibrations that could transform positive outcomes into obstacles.

Lillian Too’s Irresistible Feng Shui Magic: Magic and Rituals for Love, Success and Happiness

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