Читать книгу Angels and Other Beings of Light - Linda LLC Stein-Luthke - Страница 6
Chapter 1 What is the Light?
ОглавлениеWhat is this thing we call the “Light” -- this thing we claim flows through your being whether you are choosing to be aware of such or not? The Light has been with all and everything since the beginning of creation as it is understood on the Earth plane at this time. Using the term “Light” is a way of describing that which flows through you but, indeed, defies description by the human mind. We have chosen to call it “Light” so that you can comprehend intellectually that something is indeed animating your form and giving it Life.
Some beings call this the “life force that God gives you.” Some call it the “life force that Allah gives you.” Some call it “the Buddha within.” Some call it the Atman. Many different religions and philosophies have labeled it in various ways. It is the center around which all religions, sciences and philosophies evolve. For the sake of this publication, we shall call it the Light. We endeavor by this label to avoid creating further religious belief, and instead will simply describe something which does, indeed, exist.
The nature of this Light is that it is benevolent, loving, compassionate, wise and omniscient. It does not ask that its presence be felt and understood. It simply is. Some have called it the Aum or hum of creation. When it is honored and recognized, it responds with celebration that awareness has been accomplished. When humans do not choose to honor and recognize the wonder and beauty of what flows through them, it still continues to supply life and love unconditionally and universally. It never blesses some and curses others. It does not even have the capability to do such. It simply continues to exist as the breath and love of all creation. It has given humans a beautiful Earth, which they themselves have co-created, in which to reside in free will.
Humans can choose to recognize the Light or ignore it. However, since all humans are inextricably connected to the Light, the natural urge is to try to awaken to an awareness of this wondrous thing that has co-created all that can be sensed in everything, everywhere. We say “co-created,” for the Light, in its love, has bent to the free will of humanity and allowed its incomprehensible resources to be used to co-create all that can be experienced as the Earth plane. When one curses “God,” one is really cursing that which humanity has co-created with the Light. When one surrenders to the awareness of this wondrous Light, what has been cursed can be transformed, transmuted and healed for all time and space.
Everything on Earth and indeed, in all creation, possesses a vibrational frequency. Your scientists know this. Every atom, the building block of your universe as you perceive it, is continuously vibrating to a certain frequency. Your scientists also know that the vibrational frequency of your planet as a whole is increasing at this time.
This means that it is now easier than ever for humans to become aware of alternative frequencies that have not easily been perceived before. For instance, you may see the table in front of you, and know that it, too, contains atoms that have a vibrational frequency. We will tell you that this table is composed of Light, as is all creation, and this is what makes the vibration occur. What you may be able to see more easily now than ever before, is the Light that makes the atoms move within the table. This is the same Light that animates your human form. It is naturally within you already. If it were not, you would not exist.
The Light of which we speak is everywhere and in everything. However, because it is of a higher vibrational frequency than can easily be observed with the five physical senses of the human body, it is not easily perceived and/or understood by most. For the sake of those who choose to recognize the Light, we will say it is composed of vibration, sound and a visual component that you can most easily perceive as Light. If one is choosing a meditative practice, this practice usually will facilitate the ability to perceive the Light. For some, however, a realization may come effortlessly. For instance, some may first become aware of the phenomenal nature of the Light in the dream state.
The Light, when perceived, will be luminescent in nature, and one may perceive various shadings of color including pure gold, white, violet, blue, green, yellow, rose, magenta, and many shadings in between.
One may also be capable of feeling the vibration, which may be perceived as a tingling sensation, a feeling of warmth or fullness or simply a sensation of lightheadedness, as if one has had a bit too much of a very fine wine!
Some experience the sound as a buzzing or ringing that may become louder or softer, depending on how open one is to the experience at that moment.
One may also perceive the Light as Angels, Archangels, or other beings of Light. There will, of course, be more about that later.
Each person will have his or her own unique experience of the Light, because each being’s Light is based on the unique frequency which that being possesses. We wish to emphasize that every being is unique, and therefore will have his or her own unique experience of the Light. This is most important to remember. Each being, upon the Earth plane and elsewhere in creation, has a unique frequency of Light which is that being’s “signature.”
Any experience that one chooses will affect that unique frequency. Thus, it is subject to change as one moves through one’s life. So you see, you continue to alter and change the nature of the Light you carry, depending on how you choose to live your life.
We also ask you to be clear, beloved ones, in knowing that this Light is the Life force that flows through you while you reside in a body on Earth. This force stays with you when you leave the Earth. In other words, it is eternal, as is all creation, in one form or another. Your journey upon the Earth is designed to help you gain as full an awareness as possible of this Light, and to allow it to be your ally as you have this experience called “human life.”
Such an awareness can be called an awakening to the true nature of your reality. Such an awakening is to be treasured above all other human accomplishment. That is why you have chosen a journey upon the Earth: To awaken to the true nature of all reality. And the true nature of all reality is that Life is Light.