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Thank you to my uncle, Dr. Norman Graebner, for adding quotes, giving me books, and checking facts for me. Thanks always to Sue Terry, my researcher, for her brilliance, generosity, insight, and support, and for always being there when I need her.

A Big Thank You to my assistant, Katie Davis Gardner, for her constant dedication to making sure this book made deadlines, for discussing and clarifying concepts and words, for working long hours when necessary, for never letting me down, and always being a very helping and kind presence in my office.

Thank you to Mara Purl, my friend and great supporter of the book; Larry Carpenter and my publisher, Clovercroft; my text designer and copyeditor, Jean Laidig; my book designer, Reya Patton; and my cover designer, Nick Zelinger.

Thank you to my colleague and friend, John Winston Rainey, for his invaluable feedback and help. What a great gift! His contribution was invaluable.

Thank you to my readers for the Second Edition: Devorah Cutler-Rubenstein, Cathleen Loeser, Jonathan McPhee, Lynn Brown Rosenberg, and Pamela Jaye Smith.

For the First Edition, thank you to my fellow Christian Democrat readers, who gave me copious notes and wonderful insights: Pamela Jaye Smith, Kim Peterson, Cathleen Loeser, Bobbie Sue Nave, and Jim Nave. For the First Edition, thank you to my Christian Republican reader, Debra Weitala, who tells me she is now a registered Democrat! And thanks to my Republican neighbor Steve Berendt for our ten-hour day filled with stimulating discussions of ideas and with his brilliant suggestions for honing the language of the book.

For the First Edition, thank you to Dr. Cheri Junk for help with Chapters 1 and 2, to Kristin Howard for her help with Chapter 1, to Tirtza and Abe Weschler for help on Chapter 3, to Ann Grant Martin and Pam Jones for their comments on Chapter 6, and to Devorah Cutler-Rubenstein for help with Chapters 7 and 8.

For the First Edition, thanks to my agent, Janet Benrey, and to Sarah Callbeck, Martha Callbeck, and Laurie Wagner Byers.

To my Quaker friend, Dr. Bill Durland, Ph.D. in politics and religion, who has guided me through several chapters; to my neighbor Tom Radcliffe, who has worked in the White House under several administrations and helped with the chapter titled “Secrets, Lies, and Deceptions”; and to William Flavin from the U.S. Army War College, who provided me with many papers and fact checks in the “War and Peace” chapter—thanks.

And thanks always to my husband, Peter Hazen Le Var, for reading chapters and for continuing to love me despite knowing what life is like when I’m writing a book!

Note: In order to be inclusive, most of my biblical quotes come from the New Jerusalem Bible, which is used by Catholics and Protestants alike. Very occasionally, another translation is used.


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