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Dear Reader,

I grew up with two brothers and a sister and an extended family of uncles and an aunt who were close enough in age to be siblings. So, being part of a large, involved family is as natural to me as breathing. We played and argued and watched out for each other as children, and nothing’s really changed now that we’re all adults—though we do argue a lot less! Naturally, I was thrilled when I was asked to write a book for the FORTUNE’S CHILDREN series.

Writing Rocky’s story turned out to be an added bonus because she and Allie are identical twins, and I, too, have an identical twin sister—Brenda. We’re best friends and always have been. And yes, we still get asked if we’re twins whenever we go out in public together. People will probably still be asking us that when we’re eighty!

I also found Kate Fortune to be a fascinating character. I, too, had strong, spunky grandmothers who knew what they wanted out of life and went after it. One even joined the circus with my grandfather and traveled all over the country back in the thirties and forties. Neither of them ever flew off to the jungles of South America by themselves, but they might have if they’d been given the chance.

I hope you like The Wolf and the Dove. I loved working with the other authors and, like you, look forward to reading their books on the Fortune Family. Enjoy!

The Wolf And The Dove

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