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English Paper Piecing Techniques

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Paper Piecing Cutting and Assembly

If you are new to English paper piecing it is best to use 100 per cent cotton fabrics as they crease well. Sew using a thread that matches the main fabric colour or use beige or mid-grey as these blend with most shades.

1 Calculate how many paper templates you will need for the design and create them from your master template. Pin a template on the wrong side of the fabric and by eye cut 14in (6mm) further out all round for the seam allowance. Freezer paper could also be used as a template, ironed in place. Repeat the process as often as necessary.

Bright Idea

For a quick result use a strip of fabric and a rotary cutter to cut fabric pieces, cutting strips 12in (1.3cm) wider than the template shape to allow for seams.

2 Pin a template to the wrong side of a fabric piece and fold the seam allowance over the template edges, tacking (basting) in place through all layers. Repeat with all pieces.

3 Assemble the design. Place two pieces right sides together, aligning edges. Using small whip stitches sew together along one edge through the folded fabric, but not through the paper. Don’t pull the stitches too tight or the finished work may not lie flat. Flip the patch over to the right side when it is sewn.

4 Continue adding patches in this way, flipping the sewn patches over to their right side. Once a patch is sewn around all its edges remove the tacking (basting) and the template. Alternatively, leave the template in place until all work is complete.

Sewing Points

Some shapes, such as triangles, diamonds and trapeziums have acute points and when tacking (basting) these shapes over paper templates you will need to make sure that the seam allowance extends beyond the template at the point, in order to allow it to be sewn to other shapes.

Dealing with Diamonds

A diamond shape cut out and a tacked (basted) diamond.

Several diamonds sewn together to create a unit (C).

Dealing with Triangles

A triangle shape cut out and a tacked (basted) triangle..

The Quilter's Bible

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