A Hero To Hold

A Hero To Hold
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Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.

Описание книги

She had no name, no memory, nothing but the knowledge that she was pregnant and someone wanted her dead. Her only hope was John–the rescue medic who'd saved her life, the Good Samaritan who'd vowed to keep her safe, the sexy stranger who was stealing her heart. Her hero.Saving lives was his job, but John Maitland had learned long ago the cost of personal involvement. Risking his life he could handle, risking his emotions–his heart–was out of the question. Until he rescued «Hannah,» battered, bruised and scared for her life, off the side of a mountain. Suddenly things got very, very personal….


Linda Castillo. A Hero To Hold

“I remember you,” she said a little desperately, because suddenly it was very important to her to remember something

A Hero to Hold. Linda Castillo




Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Отрывок из книги

Images of the rescue flooded her mind. Snow. Cold. Blinding pain. A vague sense of terror she couldn’t shake even now, as she lay safe and alive in this unfamiliar bed. But she clearly remembered this man with the incredible blue eyes and devil’s grin. He’d swooped down out of the sky and plucked her from the rocks and snow. As she took in his steady expression and canny gaze, she remembered vividly how safe she’d felt in his arms, the solid feel of his body against hers, the softness of his voice, the whisper of his breath against her cheek when he’d murmured gentle words and eased her terror.

“You saved my life,” she said. “Thank you.”


“Come on, Maitland, what are you doing? Picnicking down there?” Buzz’s voice crackled through his helmet communication gear with all the finesse of a chain saw. “Get it in gear!”

Shaking off his reaction to the woman, John forced himself to take a mental step back and signaled for the other man to winch them up. An instant later, the rope drew taut. She gasped as they were jerked off their feet.


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