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Back at Keeper’s Cottage, Sophie had just come to the end of her training session. “We must try to find the last hidden gem,” Grandpa said, as he put the pillow back on his bed. “Have you got the other gems safe, Sophie?”

Sophie patted the purse belt she always wore under her clothes. The five shadow gems that she and Sam had found so far clinked together inside the leather pouch. “Yes, they’re here,” she said.

“Good. There must be a clue to the whereabouts of the sixth gem in the Shadow Files somewhere. Keep searching for it.” The turquoise gem was the only gem they hadn’t yet found, and they knew that King Ug would do everything in his power to find it before they did.

“Already on to it.” Sophie went to the door. “Book Boy!” she shouted.

Sam’s red head popped out of her bedroom further down the landing. “Yep?”

Sam was Sophie’s best friend. He was the only person in the world apart from Grandpa who knew that Sophie was the Guardian, and he’d helped her in every one of her adventures so far. Grandpa hadn’t been keen on him knowing at first, but Sam had proved to be very helpful. He loved reading and researching and was just as brave as Sophie.

“Any luck finding the final clue?” Sophie asked.

Shaking his head, Sam came to Grandpa’s room, bringing an old leather-bound notebook with him – the Shadow Files. Over the years, all the previous Guardians had written notes in it about the creatures they’d faced. The Shadow Files also had clues to the hiding places of the six shadow gems. When each new Guardian took over, the gems magically moved to new hiding places and new clues would then appear in the book.

“No sign of the last clue yet,” said Sam, flipping through the pages.

“We have to find it,” said Grandpa. “It’s absolutely essential! Once we get the final gem then we can hide them all somewhere safe, and try to get the key back. We must not fail! You’re staying here tonight, aren’t you, Sam?”

Sam nodded.

“We can talk more later then,” said Grandpa. “I’m going out for a run.”

“Should we go down to the kitchen?” Sophie said to Sam after Grandpa had gone. “I’ve been trying to teach Nigel to fetch. Come and see.”

“Cool,” said Sam.

Sophie grabbed her black fishing waistcoat from the bed and they headed downstairs.

Ten minutes later, Sophie pointed to the spoon she’d put on the table. “Go on. Fetch!” She tempted the parrot with a nut. “Then you can have this.”

Nigel the parrot swooped to the table, picked up the spoon and flew back. He dropped it on the worktop beside Sophie, then landed on her shoulder and clicked his beak hopefully.

Sophie was delighted. “Good boy! You did it!” She stroked his feathers. “What a clever parrot.”

“Gimme a carrot!” Nigel said, bobbing his head. He was very good at talking, though he often got the words wrong.

Sophie grinned. “I haven’t got any carrots, but you can have a nut.”

“Big butt!” Nigel replied, affectionately nuzzling her cheek.

Sophie giggled and glanced at Sam who was sitting at the table. He had started reading the Shadow Files again. “Did you see Nigel? He fetched the spoon!”

“YAY!” Sam leapt to his feet.

Sophie blinked. “Well, OK, I know it’s good, but…”

“I’ve found the clue! Soph, look!” Sam’s blue eyes shone as he jabbed his finger at the Shadow Files.

Sophie ran over. On a page about King Cobra Goblins, four tiny lines were written near the bottom in slanting, curly writing:

Hidden near where the Guardian sleeps

Search for a board that doth creak

Lift it up and you shall see

A gem shining beautifully.

Sophie gasped. “It is the clue! Oh, wow! We can start trying to find the gem right now.”

“And it sounds like it might be easy. Look at the first line,” said Sam. “Hidden near where the Guardian sleeps. That must mean the turquoise gem is in this house!”

“I wonder what that bit about a board doth creak means?” said Sophie, puzzled.

“A floorboard, I bet. Have you got any creaky ones?” asked Sam.

“Not that I know of. Hang on – look! What’s that?” Sophie pointed to a few other faint lines of text at the other side of the page. “Is that more of the clue?”

She read it out:

“If the goblin king joins gem and key

And opens the door then soon you’ll see

There’s no point fighting, it’s too late

One Guardian will never close the gate.”

Sophie and Sam stared uneasily at each other. “I don’t like the sound of that!” said Sam. “If you can’t shut the gateway once it’s opened, then we’d better make sure that it’s never, ever opened!”

“We’d really better find that sixth gem before the shadow creatures do!” agreed Sophie, jumping to her feet.

There was the sound of a key in the front door.

“Mrs B and Anthony!” hissed Sophie. “Quick! Give me the Shadow Files!”

Sam passed the book to her and she slipped it into the big inside pocket of her waistcoat.

“We’re back!” called Mrs Benton. Mrs B did all the cooking and cleaning at Keeper’s Cottage, and when Sophie and Anthony’s parents were away for work, she helped Grandpa look after the twins.

“PHWEEEEEEEEE!” There was the sound of a football whistle blowing as Anthony, Sophie’s twin brother, followed Mrs B in.

Mrs B came through to the kitchen. “Hello, duckies.”

Anthony was right behind Mrs B. He had thick blond hair like Sophie and the same sporty, athletic build. “Oh, great!” he groaned loudly, as he looked at Sam. “You’re here!”

“If you don’t like it then you could just go away again,” Sophie suggested. “For good.”

“Ha ha.” Anthony pulled a face at her. “There really should be a law about being as unfunny as you!”

“And there should be a law about being as dumb as you!” retorted Sophie.

“PHWEEEEEEEEE!” Anthony blew his whistle at her.

“Fetch it, Nigel!” Sophie pointed to Anthony. With a squawk Nigel flew off her shoulder and plucked the whistle out of Anthony’s hand.

“Hey!” Anthony spluttered, as Nigel gave it to Sophie.

She twirled it round in her fingers. “Oops, looks like you lost your whistle!”

“Give it back!” said Anthony, angrily.

Sophie folded her arms. “Gonna make me?”

“Now, now, twins,” said Mrs B. She plucked the whistle out of Sophie’s fingers and gave it back to Anthony, who put it in his jeans pocket. “That will do. No more blowing that whistle in the house though,” she warned him. “Now go and take your football boots off and then move your night things into Sophie’s room. You’ll be sleeping in there for the next few nights.”

“WHAT?” Sophie and Anthony both gave her looks of complete horror.

Mrs B nodded. “The decorator who’s painting your room didn’t have time to finish everything today, Anthony. He’ll be back on Monday and will finish then.”

Anthony gaped. “I can’t share with Sophie!”

“No way!” Sophie said, agreeing with Anthony for about the first time in her life. “And anyway, Sam’s staying over tonight, Mrs B!”

“So, you can all share together.” Mrs B beamed at them all. “It’ll be fun!”

Fun! Sophie blinked. Sharing a bedroom with Anthony would be about as much fun as sharing with a Swamp Boggle!

“Oh, come on, Mrs B,” Anthony pleaded. “What about the spare room? Can’t I sleep in there?”

“No, I’m sorry, Anthony-duckie, but I’m storing some things for my niece up there. There are boxes all over the bed.”

“So, I’ll move them or… or sleep on the floor!” Anthony said. “Anything would be better than sharing with those two weirdos.”

“Don’t say things like that, Anthony. I’m afraid you just can’t stay in the spare room,” Mrs B said, patiently. “There’s valuable china in those boxes. In fact, I don’t want any of you going up there at all.” She glanced down at them all. “You’ll have a lovely time tonight, just think of it like being at a party!”

The Bat Sprites

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